I put my hands on my face and rubbed it. "Don't start with me, Yn" I said.

Just when she was about to say something the doorbell rang. I got up and it was Angela and Vanessa. "Aye, why the fuck didn't yall answer the phone when we called?!" I yelled at them.

Angela started crying. "We left our phones in the house" she said.

Yn rushed over and hugged them while they came in and took a seat. She got everybody bottles of water so they could calm down. I hope she doesn't think our conversation we had earlier is over with.

DJ laid his head down on Angela, who smiled. Vanessa's daughter, Ava, was over her father's house. Which is good, she's away from any danger and drama.

Russy was standing again a wall with his arms folded and his head down. "Look, we can't stay in that house, Dig. We ain't got no money and no one else to turn to."

"Where the fuck is JoJo at? I'm not yall only brother" I reminded them.

Vanessa shrugged. "JoJo been out on the streets. We haven't seen him since mom went to the hospital."

"Fuck you mean he 'been out on the streets'?!"

Angela wiped away her tears and sighed tiredly. "Selling drugs, Dig."

I shook my head. "Nah, that can't be right" I said sitting back on the couch. "JoJo ain't no thug."

"Well, it is" Vanessa said.

"Yall should just stay here" Yn said. "Nobody ever uses the guest house next door. Hell, I forgot we even had a guest house."

I glared over at her as they all nodded and went next door. DJ went with them so he could be close to Russy, who he's very fond of. "Why you makin' decisions without me?" I said irritated.

"They're your brother and sisters! The fuck was I supposed to do? Let them stay on the streets?" She stood up and threw her hands up.

"Oh, like you care about anything now! You're never even at home. & then you walk through the front door at 3 A.M. with hella shopping bags in your hands like everything's just fine!" She sat back down and turned her back to me and put her head down. Then, I started thinking about it. "The money."

She looked irritated while she turned back around to me. "What?"

"The money" I repeated. "Where the hell are you getting all of the money to buy all of the new shit you've been walking in here with?"

She looked nervous, then angry. "So now I have to notify you on my every move?" She rolled her eyes at me and stood up again. "None of your damn business. You don't-"

Yn's POV

"Sit yo ass down!" Diggy suddenly yelled. My eyes grew wide but I did as I was told. "I'm sick of this bullshit, Yn! I ain't gotta put up with this shit! But you know why I do it? Because I love you and I've never loved anyone else the way I love yo crazy ass! But you keep on fuckin up and yo attitude is gettin on my damn nerves! Fix that shit, for real."

I looked at him.

Yesss, daddy, put me in my place! Damn, he is so sexy when he's mad at me.

"Im sorry" I said as I walked over to him. I grabbed both of his hands and stood on my tippy toes to kiss him. "You're right, I'm wrong. I'm sorry."

He kissed me again before grabbing my hand and leading me to the bedroom.

Minnie's POV

The baby should be here any day now. I'm huge and I feel like crying and eating everything in sight and beating somebody's ass all at the same time. I took another scoop of my ice cream.

Recovery (A Diggy & Yn Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now