Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

"Thank you for flying with us, we hope to see you soon." the pilot's deep and proper voice booms over the intercom as everyone rises to get their things. The plane just landed about 5 minutes ago. I squeeze past Niall and try to reach my things, but someone pushed them to the back wall of the over head compartment. I stand on my tippy toes trying to grip my ruffle bag, it's nearly impossible.

Suddenly, I feel a pair ofnstrong hands come around me and grab the bag. I cock my head sideways to see who the strong hands belong to. It's Niall's friend, I don't remember his name but he's practically bald

"Hi, I'm Liam!" he smiles cheerfully. He seems so innocent and sweet.

"I'm April," I smile back and take my bag from his arms. They were not only strong but soft like a baby's bum.

"I see you sat with my friend, Niall." Liam leans over looking at the sleeping Niall in our row. "He can be a handful sometimes," Liam chuckles and runs his hand over his bristly head.

"He's really nice," I smile unsure what to do next. "I have to get going, Niall and I are sharing a cab and I need to get a flat soon because right now, I'm homeless.

"Niall wake up man, keep a promise." Liam ruffles Niall's hair and steps away. "See you around," Liam smiles and walks away back to his seat.

He's extremely nice, I think to myself and Niall begins to stir.

"Hey, we have to go." I try to wake Niall and his eyes slowly drift open.

"Oh right!" Niall jumps up suddenly wide awake.

I look around and half the people that were on the plane got off already.


"Taxi!" Niall yells at the curb outside of the airport. Finally a taxi pulls over to where Niall's standing with his guitar case, he waves me over and we both slide into the back seat.

"Mullingar, West Meath. Center town please." Niall tells the driver and the man steps on the gas and we leave the airport.


I ended this terribly but I keep going into too much detail. Besides the next chapter is going to be fabulouuuuuuuus!


-obeytheniall xoxo

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