Table of Contents

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Race, Fight
Racer gets hurt in the fight and you go to check on him.

Race, I Always Loved You
Race collapses in the street and you confess something to him while you think he's unconscious

Race, Hi :)
Modern Soulmate AU, you communicate to your soulmate by writing on your skin. Who would've thought a simple drawing would be what found you your soulmate.

Race, Ink
Race has a tendency to chew on his pens, making them explode on him. Then he comes to you to help get cleaned up.

Race, Safe House
You save Racer from Snyder one day, eventually making your apartment into a safe house of sorts, falling in love in the process.

Race, My Love
A young newsie couple stays strong in the hard realities of a strike

Race, Hanahaki
It's in the title, really.

Race, The 30th
Race gets into a car accident.

Albert, Hat
A school project leads to you spending time with one particular red headed thorn in your side.

Albert, String
You wake up on your sixteenth birthday to find a red string coming out of your wrist. Who would have thought it would connect to your best friend.

Albert, Pregnant
Young and pregnant?? That's all there really is to that one??

Albert, Hospital
Albert gets into a fight with the Delancy brothers, leading you to be the one to save him.

Albert, ADHD
You get your very ADHD boyfriend a very thoughtful gift for his birthday.

Albert, Silence
You make a bet with Albert, not realizing how much you miss something when it's not there.

Albert, Seltzer
You spare a few cents to buy the attractive red headed boy a seltzer.

Albert, I Think I Love You
You come to a terrifying realization, one of love.

Albert, Cramps
Your best friend comforts you while you're not feeling well

Albert, Memories
After finding out you're soulmates, you and Albert go down memory lane.

Albert, Thunderstorms
You comfort your best friend who has a fear of thunderstorms.

Davey, Hickies
Someone forgot to not leave visible hickies...

Davey, Sleep
After Sarah locks her door when you're supposed to sleep in her room, you end up in Daveys room with him.

Davey, Jack's Sister
You fall in love with the smart new kid through the strike.

Davey, Secret
You and Davey are in a secret relationship!

Jack, Miss Medda
Miss Medda encourages you to make a move on the boy you love so much.

Jack, Class
Sometimes Jack is a cocky little son of a- but you love him anyway

Jack, Queen Of Queens
The Queen of Queens falls for the King of Manhattan.

Jack, Surprise
Jack surprises you with a date night!

Crutchie, Tired
A good day selling with your lovely boyfriend, with a few dampers in the day.

Crutchie, Best Friends
Faking dating to get a bitchy popular girl to leave Crutchie alone leads to more than you could've ever hoped.

Crutchie, Refuge
You meet a sweet boy in the refuge that reminds you there is still good in humanity.

Crutchie, Butterflies
You stop feeling things. Crutchie helps you get back to normal.

Crutchie, Kinda Sorta In Love
You confess your feelings to this sweetheart of a boy.

Crutchie, Self Concious
Oh my god this precious boy is self concious.

Spot, Queen
You're dating the King of Brooklyn, making you his queen.

Spot, Newbie
A new newsie isn't afraid of Spot Conlon, and he likes that.

Spot, I'm Here
Spot is there for his Goil in her time of need

Mush, Give Them Something To Gawk At
Your friends think it's funny to tease you and Mush, so you give them something to gawk at.

Mush, I Never Realized
You have a late night realization, and decide to tell your best friend immediately.

Mush, All The Little Things
Best friends confront their feelings because one of them is a stubborn little bitch.

Mush, Party Favor
A game of Chicken in the kitchen at a high school party leads to more than just a few gentle touches.

Mush, Harlem
You and Mush go to Harlem together.

Mush, Shut Down
Emotions are hard to process and sometimes that leads to misconceptions.

Mush, Unnecessary Jealousy
Mush gets jealous when you spend too much time with Blink.

Kid Blink, Pirate Boy
Kid Blink loses his temper with someone who hurts you.

Kid Blink, Bandages
Blink shows up at your house to get patched up after getting into a late night fight.

Kid Blink, The Mayor's Daughter
Blink sings a line that was never meant for you, his best friend, to hear, but you hear it anyway.

Kid Blink, Questions
A review of the questions you've asked or been asked in the time you've known each other.

Kid Blink, Watch
You see something, but keep watching to make sure you were seeing things right.

Kid Blink, Nice to meet you
After hearing a questionable thing from the boy, he introduces himself to you. It leads to bad things for you in the future, but you don't care, so long as you're with Blink.

Kid Blink, Clumsy
You get partnered with an clumsy and annoying, yet cute boy for a project, and he opens up to you.

Kid Blink, Hoodies
You like to steal your boyfriends hoodies cuz they smell like him.

Kid Blink, Peacemaker
You have to play peacemaker because of your hot headed, short tempered friend.

Kid Blink, Jealousy
You get jealous about a girl flirting with Blink.

Kid Blink, Hate
Blink is bad at emotions, causing you to think he hates you.

Kid Blink, Louis Ballat
Your soulmates name appears on your wrist on your 16th birthday.

Kid Blink, Smoke
Despite being like,,,,16, Blink likes to smoke cigarettes, but you hate the taste they leave on him.

Kid Blink, Dumb Idea
Heartbreak leads to something nobody would have expected

JoJo, Nap
JoJo says something while half asleep and you question him about it.

JoJo, Kisses
Flashbacks of all of the important kisses you shared with JoJo in your time together.

JoJo, Dreams
Fucking depressing shit im so sorry (suicide tw)

JoJo, Bronx Girl
You, the leader of The Bronx, falls.for the cute boy who came to recruit you for the strike.

JoJo, I'll Kill Them
The delancys are jerks. JoJo is not.

Elmer, Sleepy
Boy is this boy tired constantly.

Finch, Slingshot
He's a dumbass and hits you in the shoulder with something from his slingshot.

Finch, Tall Ass
Finch is tall. You are not.

Finch, Pact
You and Finch make a marriage pact.

Buttons, Seamstress
You go to Buttons for help with a costume

Bill, Newsie Girl
A rich boy and a newsie girl fall in love

Skittery, Forget
Dumb bitch forgot his wedding anniversary

Skittery, Wake Up
Only one person in the lodging house can wake up a particularly stubborn newsie

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