Chapter 2

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Hello ^-^ I'm just here to inform you that I'll be using multiple nicknames for the Elemental's or variants of their names.
Also Gelap means Dark in Malay, so please don't be confused when I use it I'm the story!

Run, that's all he could do, run. Loud screams of help could be heard all around him, yet he was powerless against the threat causing them pain. Tears mixed with sweat fell down his dusty face. He felt useless.
Suddenly a loud explosion came from right behind him, he turned around an-


He was startled out of his nightmare by none other, then his younger brother Api and older brother Angin. His eyes sleepily roamed the living room, realising abang Petir was no where to be seen.
Disappointed, but not surprised, he let out a small smile towards the orange eyed and blue eyed males looking at him. "Selamat Pagi, Blaze and Taufan" his voice soft and a polite smile gracing his lips.
At that Tau grinned along with his fire loving partner in crime. "Selamat Pagi, Gemgem!" the airhead's iconic smile was on full display, Gempa always thought his smile could move mountains if he wanted. Nevertheless the substitute mother of the Elemental family finally got up, almost forgetting what happened the other night.

-----Time skip because author-nim is really tired today-----

The whole house was now awake, everyone already in action, getting ready for the hell we like to call school. A first day at that.

Lunar was quietly eating his breakfast with Ais, Daun was working on his morning watering routine while being occasionally checked on by Taufan and Solar, Tanah was in the Og trio's room changing out of his still a bit wet shirt from Hali's hair, Blaze was in the bathroom doing who knows what and blasting music.
A fairly normal morning for them, if I do say so myself dear readers.

Tanah walked out of his shared bedroom and went downstairs. His footsteps causing the two lads eating to look up, three pairs of eyes awkwardly at eachother and momma Gem's instincts immediately caught something unusual in Gelap's violette orbs.
"Is there something wrong, Luni?" the youngest elemental swiftly looked away, hiding his expression from Tanah's clearly worried gaze. "Nothing."
Of course his older brother didn't believe that one bit, he knew what are his brothers like, he could read them like a book, nothing was safe from him. He came closer to his two sleepy brothers and peeked on his youngest siblings face, trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong. He frowned when Lunar savagely pushed his face away from him.
After regaining his balance, golden eyes that could pierce through metal, glared on the back the emo looking lad's head. Knowing this would get no where, Ais finally spoke up.

"Last night," he yawned not feeling even a little sheepish for it, "Lapi saw you and Peti laying on the sofa, he-" once again he was cut off, this time by his older brother Blaze.
The fire user bursted out the bathroom, his max volume music almost causing the whole house to shake and crumble like in Encanto.
Gempa, already in his mother mode, put his hands on his hips, done with everyone's bull, he rushed to scold the orange themed Elemental. Watching it unfold, Air glanced at the clock behind him, seeing it was already very late he stood up and sluggishly walked toward the irritated Tanah.
"Tanah, wait, it's late we should alert the others and get ready to leave soon." he mumbled while lazily tugging abang Gempa's sleeve.
At this the 3rd oldest couldn't refuse his adorable little brother's unintentional puppy eyes and nodded, sparing Blaze's life this time.

When momma Gem went to tell the others to gather infront of the main door, temper duo and Lunar were left alone. Air didn't waste time standing awkwardly infront of Api and tiredly buried head into the boy's chest. Satisfied sign left his mouth, "Finally, I hate mornings." letting all his weight down on his by barely 2 minutes older brother.
Blazy boi on the other hand couldn't help but dumbly grin at him, his savior, the fire orange coloured eyes sparkled. 'Lunar already left' Api thought when he glanced at the spot Gelap was supposed to sit at.


Gelap was putting on his shoes. He couldn't be bothered to waste anymore time with his two endlessly touch-starved brothers, alone.

Once his black shoes, blending in with his dark ripped jeans and favourite violette coat were on, he sat by the door staring into nothingness, leaning on the cold wall behind him.
He grumbled, suddently remembering an old memory, the one all of his brothers wanted to forget forever.

It was the last time their eldest brother, was a brother to them.

---Flashback 5 years ago---

Blue and red lights flooded the 11 year old's vision, all he could feel were the chills on his back and Tau's warm hand rubbing his back.
None of them knew what was happening, the sirens outside their windows said nothing to make an 11 year old brain understand. Nothing.

Out of nowhere, he heard abang Petir's voice. It was soft and soothing, a clear attempt of calming someone down. Angin and Gelap didn't know they were panicking, untill they were blessed with Hali's calm voice.
He wasn't exactly talking to them, but it was clear he was trying to sooth all of their worries. He was hugging Sol, Gem and Duri, whispering sweet nothings to their ears, successfully lulling them back to reality. In no time, they were out like a light, probably exhausted from their nerves.

Lili's eyes landed on him and Taufan, he slightly smiled coming a bit closer to them. "Hey," he said, his voice mysteriously overpowering the sound of sirens along with yelling going on outside, "it's alright now, nobody will hurt you anymore," upon hearing that his blue eyed brother stilled and he himself stared at Petir, bewildered.

"I made sure of it."

---Flashback End---

Rubbing his purple eyes tiredly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Flinching a bit he looked up and saw that all of his brothers were already standing by the door, all freshened up unlike in the flashback.
"Lunar, get up, we have to go now." said an annoyed voice. 'That's definitely Solar' he thought sharing his brother's annoyance now aswell. Nonetheless he stood up as told and grabbed his back, that was handed to him by Daun. He thanked him with a tiny genuine smile, before going back to his 'definitely not copying my biggest brother' expression.

Taufan and Blaze quickly ran out the door, the nature element user following not far behind them. Solar shouted his flower loving abang's name, but was unsuccessful in making him slow down. He took a deep breath and sprinted after the three troublemakers, knowing he'll end up passing out from exhaustion before he even reaches school.
Air and Geli waited for their 2nd mother to lock the door. Ais, ever the physical affection lover, came closer to his younger brother Lunar, making their shoulders touch. If it were anyone else, the dark element user might have just straight up pushed the person away, this wasn't just anyone though, this was his middle abang Air. So he grabbed his hand and started walking in the direction of their new school, Tanah grabbing his other hand, wanting to be involved and feeling alone.


Waiting infront of the gate were the three trouble makers and the 2nd youngest sibling, looking like he ran a marathon.
Almost instantaneously the light blue eyed teen let go of Lunar's hand and clung to his orange eyed brother, finding his warmth calming.
Gelap, however, never let go, neither did the earth power user. Gempa knew  how anxious Luni got when in large crowds, so he kept holding the younger's hand, grip tight yet loving, his thumb drawing circles on Lunar's hand. Lapi appreciated it.

Seeing that, getting jealous, Tau grabbed Duri's right hand, glaring at Cahaya, daring him to even touch the left one. The glasses wearing lad saw it and retracted his hands away from the green eyed bean.
They all looked ahead, taking a deep breath.

School, here we come.

Hi! I hope you liked the 2nd chapter of this book, I'm already working on chapter 3 so don't worry, I won't take long.
Oh and so so so sorry this chapter is a bit shorter, I'm busy with school so I don't have much time on my hands.
Now I wanted to just say, that once again, if you have anything to say about the story please feel free to do so in the comments.
I wish everyone a swell night/day, goodbye lovelies.

Word count: 1484

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