Chapter 2: Girl from Japan

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Summer grunted unhappily at the sight before her.

"It'll be fun!" Ms. Hops grinned, dragging Summer toward the white building.

Glancing back, Summer looked at Mr. Kayne as if she were begging him for her life. The man put his hands up, not wanting to get involved, and then abandoned her.

"This is both dangerous and not going to work." Summer said. "It never works."

"You've just never found the right people." Ms. Hops assured her. "And you don't try hard enough. This time, I have a feeling; Jasper is going to be different for you on a whole new level."

"How could it get any worse?" Summer muttered.

Ms. Hops dropped her wrist as they entered the building. Summer glanced up and looked around warily, her eyes searching over the brightly decorated room before landing on a woman who was approaching them.

"Hello, welcome to my music club!" The woman smiled, looking between the other two females happily. "Are you both attending?"

"Nope, just my daughter." Ms. Hops explained. "She is a great singer."

"Oh?" The woman looked at Summer. "Have you taken lessons before?"

Summer shook her head.

Ms. Hops elbowed Summer but looked at the woman. "She is very shy."

"I'm sure we can fix that. What is your name, dear?"


"I'm Delilah." The woman waved her further into the room. "Why don't you come meet the others?"

Once Delilah turned her back, Summer gave Ms. Hops her most bitter glare. The guardian only smirked and then, just like Mr. Kayne, she abandoned her. Summer huffed and then followed after Delilah.

"Hi, guys! We have a new member!" Delilah grinned, walking into a new room. "This is Summer!"

Summer looked around and then froze, her heartbeat speeding up at the sight of a familiar girl with pink tipped hair. Said girl's eyes widened in recognition before a devious smirk spread slowly across her lips.

Yup. Screwed.

It took Summer a moment to realize that Delilah was introducing the others, and she zoned back in when she heard the familiar name, Miko.

Quickly taking note of the other names, Summer found that the music club was actually quite small. Only about a dozen people, including herself and Delilah. Most of them were minors.

Most of them went to her school.

Summer sighed and took a seat, as far away from Miko as she could get. There was no music club in Nebraska, but the one in Wyoming had been full of middle-aged people who wanted to do choir, which is when they all sing together.

They had been a fun little bunch.

These teenagers were a whole new territory.

Summer flinched as someone sat down in the chair next to her heavily. Fearfully and slowly, Summer looked at the girl and sighed.

"So, Summer," Miko grinned, "what kind of music do you like?"

A bit of Summer's panic ebbed away and she relaxed, allowing a small smile to appear. This girl didn't mean her any harm... unless she was asking because she wanted to embarrass Summer for the music she liked. People could make a scene of pretty much anything these days.

Summer quickly looked the girl up and down, trying to figure out what kind Miko liked best. To be honest, Summer wasn't entire sure. Miko was wearing mismatched clothes that were completely random and made no logical sense to her.

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