Trevor 'Burt Gummer' Belmont

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Back over at the town, the Captain noticed a rolling lump in the sand before exclaiming, "Hey! I think it's going after Trevor!" Hector and Isaac watched when they saw some sand rolling.

Hector spoke into the radio. "Trevor, get out of your house and take your radio. You and Sypha get up on your roof. We'll talk later, ok? Over."

Hector was on his feet as he exclaimed, "It's attracted by sound! Oh great sweet mercy, it has to be huge to move that much earth!"

Striga grinned at the idea of fighting such a creature, "Then it will give a great fight!" She said with glee as her warrior side was speaking instead of her common sense.

"Striga!" Morana hissed at her wife.

"Up on the roof?" Trevor exclaimed. "Hector, what're you talking about?"

Sypha got frustrated so she said, "Damnit Trevor. Just listen to him! Something's wrong."

Trevor sighed before Hector shouted, "Hector, Jesus Christ! Get up on your roof! The things. They're under the ground, they're huge! They're bigger than we thought and they're coming right after you guys! They're coming right now!"

This made the couple have serious faces as they pulled out two bolt action rifles and checked the chambers to see that they were loaded. They went up to two different small windows to be on the lookout for something. When they couldn't see anything, Trevor went back to the walkie talkie and said, "We don't see anything, Hector. So what the hell are you talking about? Over."

Trevor was now shouting at the screen, "Get to the roof, you daft bastard!"

"Oh my God, Trevor is speaking in common sense. The world truly is ending." Adrian said in a dramatic and sarcastic way.

Greta smacked his arm. "Hey, be nice."

Dracula looked at the weapons and hummed, "Quite prepared, aren't they?"

"Almost reminds me of the Belmont Ancestral Home." Sypha said. "Except more... Modern, I suppose?"

Trevor facepalmed as he exclaimed at the screen once more, "Arm up and prepare for a fight!"

"TREVOR! THEY'RE UNDER THE GROUND! THEY'RE UNDER. THE. GROUND!!" Hector shouted into the radio before the screen cut back to Trevor's basement. "They can dig like a son of a bitch! Big monsters! Underground! Now get out! Hurry!"

Trevor and Sypha heard some rumbling coming from a wall so they looked at it and aimed their rifles at it. The rumbling got louder which caused their tools to fall to the ground.

Everyone was silent as they held a collective breath waiting for what was to come.

The wall of tools fell to the ground before the bricks exploded and sand fell into the hole where a GIANT FUCKING WORM BURSTED THROUGH THE WALL. It had peach colored skin with spikes on its side and a black beak with three mandibles.

Back with Hector, they heard Trevor shout, "WHAT THE FU-" before the radio cut out. Hector, Isaac, and the Captain looked down in sadness.

Everyone was silent and looked at the creature with disgust while Trevor was shaking with rage. However Striga was silent until she heard it. "Listen. LISTEN!'' Everyone's heads looked up at the screen as they heard the clear sounds of gunfire. Sypha sighed in relief, knowing exactly what that meant.

Their grieving was interrupted by the sounds of gunfire reaching outside of Trevor's house. They looked up at the house in the distance with hope in their hearts.

Back inside the house, Trevor and Sypha were firing their rifles at the giant worm which roared and snapped its jaws at them.

Trevor laughed while raising his cup, "A Belmont never goes down without a fight, you son of a bitch!"

Castlevania: Through the Infinite Corridor of MadnessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora