Chapter 5 Can't Believe it...

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I haven't been to school in two years. I've been experiencing life on my on now. I have went on with life after the fight that happened when I was thirteen. Just to let you know I'm sixteen now and six foot two in height. I live by myself and do lots of things alone now. Now I'm on my way to see my sensei Kakashi. I have pretty much learned every move the only thing I work on now is just practicing and perfecting every move. "Today I am going to test your fighting skills I have been training you for three years now and I want to see how much better you have gotten over time. We are going to be on a timer for eight minutes. Let's begin." At first we started off with a few punches. He dodge a lot of my punches while I dodged his. In the middle of the fight he said that I have became a lot quicker from when I started. I tried to use my taijutsu and it worked for a while until he started dodging everything. We started doing more pouches and kicking. He then gained momentum using his taijutsu and then the timer went off which put an instant pause to the fight.


"Good job Jayhaya. I see advancement in your taijutsu skills." Kakashi said. Thank you sensei, I try to get better at it everyday. "I can see. I'm not going to teach you anything today so you're free today. Please do not injure yourself like that time two years ago." I won't. "Okay see you student and before you go, do you want to join team Kakashi?" Yes sensei I replied with huge smile. I went off to visit Mrs. Akemi and her husband Mr. Akio in the hidden leaf village. I don't really see them as much anymore. I moved on now. Once I got there they looked happy to see me. "You've gotten way taller from the last time I seen you which was a couple of months ago" Mrs. Akemi said with a little chuckle. How have you all been doing? "We have been doing great. We have a kid on the way so we just been hanging in there. How about you?" I've been doing fine just trying to stay out of drama. I just joined Team Kakashi. "Yeah I know how you feel and congratulations." Thank you! Is the baby a boy or a girl? "It's a girl." Well what is the name going to be? "I think it's going to be Auri." That's a nice name. Well nice seeing you all! "Nice seeing you too!" Have a good day! "You too!"


I was on my phone and clicked on "Most Underrated Jutsu". It said the most underrated jutsu is Kotoamatsukami. Kotoamatsukami is a dōjutsu that casts a powerful yet subtle mind-controlling genjutsu on the target. I wanted to learn more about it so I kept scrolling. It said the technique allows the user to enter the mind of any individual within their field of view, and manipulate them by giving them false experiences, making it seem as if they were doing things of their own free will. It is regarded as a genjutsu of the highest calibre, due to the victim being entirely unaware that they are being manipulated. I wanted to learn how to do it so I stayed up all night in my apartment learning how to do this. I feel like it would come in handy one day. I kept practicing staying up all night. I kept reading about it on the phone. Until three days later I found out some news on the TV. "Welcome to channel three today Kakashi had died to Pain."


"Pain attacks Konoha soon afterwards; while some of the Six Paths of Pain draw attention to themselves, others avoid conflict and try to learn the whereabouts of Naruto, who has gone to Mount Myōboku to train. Kakashi guesses this tactic and goes searching for one of the latter group. In doing so he finds the Deva Path, and by confronting it he is able to save Iruka Umino. Kakashi tries to corner the Deva Path so that he can destroy it with his Lightning Cutter, but it repels him with Shinra Tensei. Pain, recognising that Kakashi is a dangerous opponent, sends the Asura Path to help the Deva Path. Kakashi struggles against both due to the shared vision of their Rinnegan, but their clashing jutsu at least attracts reinforcements' attention: Chōza and Chōji Akimichi cripple the Asura Path when they arrive. From careful observation of the Deva Path's abilities, Kakashi notices a brief cool down period between its jutsu. To take advantage of this, Kakashi plants chains under it and has Chōza and Chōji attack it from opposite sides. When they are deflected by Shinra Tensei, they grab the chains and restrain him, giving Kakashi an opportunity to attack with his Lightning Cutter. Before he can land the blow, the Asura Path uses itself as a shield, giving the Deva Path time to counter. It defeats all of Kakashi's reinforcements and binds Kakashi in rubble. Anticipating that Kakashi will interfere if allowed to live, the Deva Path propels a nail at his head to kill him and leaves. Kakashi, however, only pretends death, warping away the nail at the last moment with Kamui. When Chōji wakes up, Kakashi sends him to Tsunade to tell her everything they've learned about the Deva Path's abilities. The still-functioning Asura Path fires a missile at Chōji in an attempt to stop him, forcing Kakashi to use Kamui again to warp away the missile. This depletes his chakra reserves and causes his death." The News reporter said.


As soon as I heard the news I left the apartment and went to find where the fight was. I really wanted to find Pain. I know I might not be able to beat him but I at least want to hurt him bad. When I got there the first thing I saw was Kakashi's body. I was broken once again. This is the second person Pain has killed that I am adjacent to. I layed there for a few minutes crying. While I was on the ground someone with a orange shirt, orange pants come behind me. "Hey son." Hello I replied. "What's your name?" Jayhaya Fuji Hachiko we both said. I then stood up. "I'm Naruto" he said. That means that you are my..."Your dad. Yes I am." Why did you let me go and walk the world alone. I learned everything and went through everything by myself. Why dad, just why. Did you even love me. "Yes" he said before I good keep talking. "Don't ever question my love for you. I know what you have done and I am proud of what you have done. Come with me son I have to talk to you. When your mom and I split up, your mom died. I never could find you after that. I never forgot about you though. My life was the same as yours. I was on the Kakashi team, my sensei was Jiraiya, and I never met my dad until I was your age. There is nothing to be ashamed of I'm just happy to see you again son. I then hugged my dad Naruto.


"See you got long ways to go to beat me in a fight" Naruto said laughing. This is your younger brother Boruto. He is ten years old and could be a handful sometimes. This is your step mom Hinata. She is Boruto's mom." Cool now what are your powers. "I have a lot but one that I know you have is speed. This how you get even faster. Come here. First bend your torso forward, but try to keep your back straight. Then hold your arms straight out behind your back. Keep them outstretched as you run, even though it may be hard to do so. Turn your palms so that they are facing up. Last but not least keep your balance and try to run as fast as you can. You think you can do that?" Yes I can but I don't think I will have my arms straight behind me. "Okay whatever makes you comfortable do it. Okay here I go...wait I want to try with my arms behind me. "Okay three, two, one. That did make me fast I just can't believe it...


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