Slumber Party ✂️

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Um." Korra interjected awkwardly. "I, um, I think I'm gonna go now..." She said, standing up.

"Don't go," Asami grabbed her arm, making her blush, "Opal is being totally unreasonable-"

"I'm really not." Opal deadpanned. "If I wanted to be unreasonable, I'd do something crazy. Like, throwing a paint balloon at you unprompted, for example." She gave Korra a death glare.

Korra laughed uncomfortably. "Low blow." She mumbled.

"Opal, seriously, I'm an adult, and I can make adult decision like forgiving someone. The whole... Paint balloon thing was a silly misunderstanding, there's no reason to overreact." Asami argued. "Just... Let me fight my own battles."

Opal rolled her eyes. "Fine." She said, sitting down. "But it doesn't mean I have to like it."

"I know, and I appreciate how much you care about me." Asami smiled at her friend, then turned back to Korra. "You can sit down now, war is over."

Awkwardly, Korra sat down. Opal just have her a death glare and turned to her food, and Asami didn't say anything else either. So they were all just... Sitting there, in awkward silence.

Then, their savior came. And who knew? It was their teammate, and Korra's replacement for the up and coming game; Ella. Korra didn't like Ella very much, she always felt like she resented Korra for playing her role, while she was benched for most of the games. But, right now, she could use anyone to break their awkward silence.

"Heyy cap," she grinned at Asami, "how are you feeling, excited?"

"Excited, nervous, stressed," Asami laughed awkwardly. "But it'll be fine."

"Duh! I gotcha, don't even worry about it." Ella waved her off, sitting down next to Opal. "We got this in the bag. Right Beifong two?"

She blinked. "Beifong Two?" She asked, annoyed.

"Anyway," Ella ignored her, "I wanted to run an idea by you. My parents are out of town and I thought we could maybe celebrate today's win at their place, what do you think?"

"Well, what if we lose?" Asami chuckled.

"We won't." Ella grinned. "But, it would still be good team building." She said.

"Well, when you're right you're right." Asami laughed. "Okay, let's do this."

"Perfect!" Ella exclaimed enthusiasticslly. "I'll be looking forward to seeing you two." She winked at Asami, then turned to Korra with a fake smile. "And unfortunately, you're invited as well." She told her.

"Jeez, way to make me feel wanted." Korra mumbled.

"Oh, Ella, c'mon." Asami scolded. "She's not that bad."

"Hey!" Korra pouted.

"Whatever, see you at the game." Ella shrugged. "Except you, Waters."

And with that, she left.

"Ignore her, she's just joking." Asami quite obviously lied.

"Sure, because how could anyone hate Korra?" Opal muttered.

But before anything else could be said, it was already time to head to class.


Thank god, the game went well.

Korra was watching from the stadium, and damn, Asami was killing it. Her playing style was completly different to Korra's, but it was obvious she was just as good as her.

When they won, Korra jumped over the fence and went to hug everyone on the team. Their first seasonal game! Even if she wasn't playing, it was still a huge deal.

Guilty PleasureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ