“Why are you dressed?” Charlie asked sleeply.

“Do you prefer me otherwise? ”

“Yes.” Charlie said monotonously.

Steve bit back a grin and shook his head.

“I have to head out and get some stuff. My parents are coming, remember?”

Charlie plopped on both elbows.

“Right!” He sighed.

“I'll be downstairs in 10.” He quickly pecked Steve's cheek and got out of bed.

Charlie went to bathroom. He brushed and took a shower. Half of the cabinet was his stuff now. Same with the closet. It was amazing hoe fast they became a part of each other's life.

Of course it wasn't easy. Charlie was quick to second guess stuff and doubt Steve's affection for him. Steve understood Charlie wasn't used to being loved. But he was pretty amazing at loving.

Charlie preferred doing everything by himself and rarely let Steve take care of him. But he would never let Steve do the same. Charlie Hopper had spent his life taking care of everyone else. Making sure his mother was helped with her chores, making sure Sarah did her homework and ate her lunch, making sure his dad was involved in everything going around the house. He wanted everyone to be happy and in doing so, he forgot what happiness felt like to him.

Then Steve Harrington came into his life. First as enemy, then friend and now boyfriend. He made Charlie happy and at first, it terrified him. Because giving someone the right to make him happy was as the same as giving them the right to break his heart. Last time he did so, someone ripped his heart right out of his chest. And he still hadn't healed. It took a lot of courage to just let Steve in. And to let himself be happy.

Charlie came down to find Steve sipping his coffee, sitting by the counter. He slowly approached him and pecked his cheek. Steve smiled and turned his face to receive his kiss.
Charlie gladly kissed him, tasting the coffee and cinnamon.

“Now it's a good morning.” Steve sighed and Charlie laughed. He poured himself a cup and sat next to Steve.

“So you parents...are they coming over for lunch?” Charlie asked carefully. Parents were a bitter subject for Steve. As mother was to Charlie, even though he never spoke ill of her. Steve wondered how Charlie could forgive his mother for leaving him.

“No..fortunately. Just dinner and they'll probably leave tomorrow morning.”
Steve took another sip of his coffee. Charlie followed suit.

“Stay for dinner?” Steve asked him expectantly.

“..do you think that's a good idea?” Charlie asked unsure.

“Please. I really can't deal with them on my own..”

“I mean it's like....a family dinner?”

“Family.” Steve scoffed bitterly. Charlie closed his eyes and sighed. He placed his hand on top of Steve's.

“I'll stay.” it was a simple answer but it's all Steve needed to hear. To know he wasn't alone.

Unhinged | S. Harrington| B. Hargrove | Stranger Things  Where stories live. Discover now