The minister starts his speech to which the two gaze lovingly into each others eyes. His dreamy blue eyes stared into her emerald green orbs.

"Who would like to go first."

They break out of their trance before Sonny gestures for her to go ahead. She hands her bouquet to Amanda who hands her a rolled up parchment of paper. Dramatically she sighs before I taping it and watching it rolls. The audience, bridesmaids and groomsmen laugh. She stares intently at the paper going down the list. "Where to start..." eventually she just throws it to the side essentially saying 'fuck it'. "Sonny, today, in front of those we love, I give you my heart. I give it without hesitation, sure that it will be bruised at times by the chaos of life but sure also that it will know joy. I give it without expectation or cost, for that is the only way it can truly belong to another. I give it only with hope, only with love, and only with joy that from this day forth, you will hold my heart in your hands."

"Dominick," the minister smiles at him. Sonny looks down at her with tears in his eyes.

He looks down letting out a small laugh. "I don't don't think I can beat your little act but I'll do my best. Alfie, all my life, I have searched for meaning. I've looked in books, in the words of wise leaders, in the stars of the night sky. I've spent years looking, but I did not find real meaning until I found you. In your eyes, I see the stars of the universe. In your words, I hear the wisdom of your beautiful heart. In our future together, I recognize more meaning than scholars find in all the books in all the libraries of the world. You are the reason I was put on this planet, and today, I pledge myself to you."

"And now the rings."

Repeating the words of the minister after retrieving Aphrodites wedding band from Tommy, Sonny says, "The fitting of this ring with its unending circle symbolizes my everlasting love for you. The placing of this ring on your finger, is the fulfillment of my dreams, to have you as my friend, my love, my wife, to live as one forever. With this ring, I give you my heart...from this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter, and my arms will be your home."

The minister then asks Aphrodite to do the same. To which Amanda gives her his wedding band. "The fitting of this ring with its unending circle symbolizes my everlasting love for you. The placing of this ring on your finger, is the fulfillment of my dreams, to have you as my friend, my love, my husband, to live as one forever. With this ring, I give you my heart...from this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter, and my arms will be your home."

"With the power vested in me and the state of New York, I now pronounce you Mr. And Mrs. Carisi." Sonny doesn't waste time before pulling Aphrodites lips onto his own.

The two smile into the passionate kiss. They pull away filled with warmth and happiness.

As they turn to everyone the sudden loudness of cheers fill the air. They laugh as they take to the floor walking down the aisle hand in hand.

Individually they are congratulated before heading off to the after party where they will meet the others. They are the first to arrive there where a photographer is set off into the neighboring woods waiting for them for the wedding photos.

After the photos they slowly make their way into the building where Aphrodite changes into a mid length white shirt and white blouse. Sonny walks in not long after watching her reflection in the mirror. She spins around.

"After all this time did you ever think we'd get to this point?"


She shrugs with a small smile on her lips, "together, in general."

"I don't think anybody expected it with how often we fought." She slaps his chest wanting him to be serious only causing his to laugh hysterically. "Fine, fine. I hoped for it, for one day, and I guess that dream did come true. So yes, I did."

"You might not believe me, but me too."

He hums planting a gentle kiss on her neck and eventually nibbles on her earlobe. She moans softly into his neck making him smirk. "You know we have about twenty minutes until they all get here."

She gives him a look as he raises a brow. "How could I turn you down. After all, you're all mine now, Mrs. Carisi."

She licks her lips looking at the ceiling, "that does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it."

She smirks leaning in to kiss him again. "It's you, Dominick. It's always been you. I've always been yours."

He backs her up tracing his thumb against the hem of her skirt. "You've always been the love of my life Alfie."

"I love you, Aphrodite Carisi."

"I love you too, Dominick Carisi. Now fuck me before I lose my shit."

Her skirt falls to the floor as he whispers into her ear, "you're gonna wish you didn't say that."


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It's You || D. "Sonny" CarisiWhere stories live. Discover now