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Sonny and Aphrodite fall into a bit of a routine. On the nights they have available sometimes they stay in cooking home meals either at her hotel our his comforting home and watch bad romcoms or they'll go on a date. They made a small agreement. When one wants to go on a date the next time is the others turn.

For the remainder of her medical leave she and Sonny go through that routine.

Tonight Sonny got off early heading to his apartment where he expects Aphrodite to be waiting for him. As said she is already cuddled up on his couch with a few layers of blankets tucked around her body, swaddling her like a baby. Her nose is in the soft fabric and her hair draped over her shoulder. Her eyes a shut loosely and her chest rises and falls evenly. He smiles at the sight of her adorableness.

He sets down his belongings rounding the couch and kneeling before her. He caresses her cheek softly making her moan lightly. Her eyes slowly open receiving her bright green eyes. He smiles softly down at her.

"Hey," she muffles through the blanket.

"Hey, I want to take you on a date if that's okay."

She sits up slowly with a confused eyes. "You took me out last time. I thought it's my turn now."

The last time they went on a date Sonny picked her up at her hotel. They later navigated the city going to three different places. The first place was a lovely little appetizer joint where they got four cheese garlic bread and some homemade french fries. Followed by that they walked down the street to a fancy restaurant where their had their actual meal. Of course the restaurant was Italian. After that place they stopped at a ice cream parlor and each got their desired ice cream and toppings. The night ended with them re-entering her hotel room and taking a heated shower. He spent the night that night.

He sighs sadly. "You have one more day here and I want to make it worthwhile."

She face lit up but her eyes till looked tired for her nap. She runs his arm with one hand tilting her head to the side. "You know I like spending time with you. It doesn't have to be a date though."

"Just let me do this for you, Alfie."

She stares at him trying to read him. His eyes are sullen but show pleading. He's breathing deeply in dictating restlessness. He's not as cheerful as he normally is. She takes in his saddened features and sighs in defeat.

"Okay. I don't have anything to wear though."

"You'll look beautiful in anything, you know that," he says kissing her temple. She returns his goofy grin as he pulls her to her feet. He offers her one of his hoodies which she gracefully takes.

She smirks, "I hope you know you're never getting this back." She lifts the sweatshirt to her nose smelling his cologne that has engulfed her senses.

He laughs, "it looks better on you anyway. You look hot," he adds playfully.

"I am hot," she replies cockily.

He takes her hand as they head out the door back into the city. She questions where he's taking her until they stopped at a swing-set on a children's playground. She was going to jokingly tell him "perve much" but sided against it.

She peers over to him as they sit on the swings holding hands swaying back and forth. His large hands keep hers warm as the evening breeze brushed against her face. Sonny is looking up at the sky to which she follows.

He leans over, his breath against her ear and says to her, "watch."

In a matter of seconds streaks fall from the sky making her gasp lightly. She jaws her jaw in amazement seeing the specks slowly disappear as more appear.

It's You || D. "Sonny" CarisiWhere stories live. Discover now