We got back home and smiled as Scott and his husband Steve were sitting on the couch watching some murder documentary... "Where are Sky and Star?" I asked as I put my bag down. "Doing homework..." Steve said as Scott was glued to the TV.  "Ill go check..." Chris said and walked to their rooms. 

"What is up with him?" Scott said finally prying himself away from the TV. "He had a bit of trouble saying goodbye..." I said letting out a sigh and Scott smiled. "Thanks for watching Sky and Star..." I said and they both smiled. "No problem we had fun..." Scott said and i smiled. Scott was the favorite uncle... it was the inside joke seeing as he has been the only uncle... He always did fun things with them when Chris and i wanted or needed a break. I was really lucky with this family... I couldn't have wished for a better one... 

The family would always show up... Plays... science fairs... graduations...  or matches in whatever sport the girls were playing... Birthdays were a big thing and so were thanksgiving and Christmas... 

All 4 girls loved family events... But as they got older, they started to notice that most kids had family on both sides and when they were old enough to understand i explained them why there was no family on my side... 

My father had passed 2 years ago... I didn't go to his funeral... He was no father to me. He had taken me to court when he found out i put the house in New York on the market.  The judge ruled in our favor and eventually we sold the house to this really sweet couple with a little girl. It was emotional but knowing the house would be filled with love and laughter made it a little easier. 

Every now and then my father would try and show up demanding to see the girls but i wanted no part of him in my life... After he had made a scene outside of our house and Chris had a little talk with him, he left us alone and gave up... I dont know what Chris talked about with him and i didn't want to know...  I was just happy he was out of our lives for good...

Chris came back into the living room. We catch up with Scott and Steve and after they had left i crawl in Chris his lap. "Are you okay?" I ask and he nods smiling. "Yeah, i am good..." He said smiling and i smiled back before kissing him passionately. 

"Oh my god... You guys are way too old for that..." We heard and we both started to laugh and looked up into the horrified faces of Sky and Star... "One day you will find out you are never too old for that..." I said smirking and they both rolled their eyes. The girls asked about their sisters, and we told them that they were good and settled in. 

I stood up from Chris his lap and walked over to them pulling them into a hug. "How are you 2 feeling about it..." I asked and they both shrugged their shoulders... "It is okay to miss them..." I said and that is when the dam burst, and they both started to cry. Sky and Star are both emotional girls like their dad but stubborn about showing emotions like me... The bottle things up until it gets too much. They are both the creative types... There sisters are more into sports, and physical activities... Sky and Star were into everything creative... Sky was amazing on the piano and violin... and Star was totally into everything that had to do with theatre... 

Star wanted to follow in her dad's footsteps and although he was anxious about it, he supported her 100%. Her plan was to go to LA after graduation instead of going to college... Sky wanted to go to Julliard... Whatever they wanted to do we agreed they had our full support... But for now, they were still at home...

They were totally different to their big sisters... The oldest two were really social and always out with a big group of friends. They were real extroverts... Sky and Star were more depended on each other... Introverted... They had a small group of close friends but preferred to be just the two of them... A few friends were enough for them. 

Sky was rather occupied with music... She loved music... She wrote her own and could really sing... But piano and Violin were here passions... I smile remembering her first Violin... She loved it... but for the rest of the family it was... well hell... As she just started to learn... It was like someone scratched their nails over a chalkboard, but she stuck with it and was now really good. Star was always dancing and doing little plays... She was part of the little theatre that Lisa ran, and she was amazing... She became a completely different person on stage... the shy girl came out of her shell on stage... She sometimes went with her dad to set in her school breaks, and she loved it she was so curious and always asking a lot of questions... Chris ones was filming a movie with Scarlet, and she was glued to her asking hundreds of questions and she and Scarlet became close. Sky and Star even went with Colin to SNL a few times in one of their school breaks. Star to watch the sketches and see the workings of it all and Sky to talk with musicians... They were always accompanied by Chris because he was worried about them as his industry was not always kind... 

After we had talked with the girls about their sisters and how they felt we decided to go out to dinner. The girls asked if we could go with the whole family, and we smiled. Chris went to make reservations and the girls called everyone to invite them knowing that Grandma and the uncles and aunts never could say no to them. 

I smile as i saw everyone running around and let out a sigh. Sometimes it was still hard to believe that this was my life... But it was... and i loved every second of it... I love my girls and i love Chris so much. 2 years after Sky and Star we found out i was pregnant again... But the baby died at 36 weeks... It was a boy... I was taking it hard... I had to give birth to him and say goodbye in one day... I didn't know if i would have gotten through it if it wasn't for Chris and our girls... I felt so guilty... I take comfort out the fact he is with my grandparents in heaven... He has a place next to them on the little altar...  We named him Oliver after my grandpa... I was so scared Chris would blame me for losing him... I was so scared he would hate me, but he never did... We got through it together... We grieved together and as a family... 

After that we decided, we didn't want to go through that again and Chris got a vasectomy. We had our girls, and they were enough. 

After the girls were all in their teens i started working again part time. But i was not enjoying it anymore and i was miserable... So, i quit again and started to volunteer for an animal shelter... Dodger had been long gone... The girls cried... and were heartbroken... I dont know if it was a good idea to volunteer at an animal shelter because i kept bringing animals home but we all loved it. 

"Mom! Let's go...!" Sky and Star yelled pulling me out of my thoughts and i smiled grabbing my purse and the girls ran to the car. Chris pulled me in his arms and kissed me and i let out a little moan. "Maybe we should ask ma if she is willing to take the girls for the night." He said smirking and i smiled... "I like the sound of that..." I whispered and Chris chuckled and took my hand leading me to the car and we made our way to the restaurant...

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