He laughs and I shove him a bit.

I suddenly hear people squealing, girls maybe?

"What's going on out there?" I ask no one but lumiere answers anyway,

"I don't know, I guess we'll find out though the high pitched screaming girls are coming into the gym."

I sigh and watch as the girls, as expected, come into the gym crowding around someone.

"Don't they have dates? Well some of them. Why are they crowding someone?" I hear Lumiere' voice say from next to me.

I stay silent, wondering who the girls could be crowding.

I couldn't be Gaston, they know how he is and most of them don't like him anymore. So who could it be?

The guy they were crowding suddenly pushes through the crowd and looks the opposite way of us.

"That's, Adam!" I yelled to Adam letting him know where we were from me calling his name.

He walks over to me and Lumiere. There's something missing, what is it?

When he gets in front of me I notice his glasses are gone.

"WHOA! Adam, you finally took your glasses off! And you look a bit different!" Lumiere says beside me.

"Yeah, I decided that I would take them off, I never needed them anyways." He replies.

I just look at him, my face growing hotter every second that passes by, and my heart pounding once again in my ears.

"Hello Belle." He says with a smile "You look beautiful."

"T-thank you Adam, you look handsome as well." Again, with the stutter, where is it coming from?

We talk for a few minutes before they start to announce who the king and queen is.

"I'm glad you all are here, I'm now going to announce the king and queen." The Principal says into the microphone before looking down at a card in his hand. "For the king, it says 'The Beast'? Who is that?"

Before he can continue, the crowd erupts in cheers.

Adam looks surprised but walks to the stage.

Other things happen but I don't know what, because I dozed off.

I only snap back into reality when my name is called, and cheers come after.

I stand stunned. Once my body is less tense, I finally walk up to the stage.

They put a crown on my head, which tilts to the side a bit when they take their hands away.

"Now! TIme for the King and Queen dance!" I hear the principle say.

The people form a circle around us once we walk off of the stage.

Slow music starts and everyone seems to melt around me, like I can only see the person in front of me, which is Adam.

He grabs my hand with his right hand and wraps his other around my waist, as I place my free hand on his shoulder.

We dance synchronized movements for a few seconds before I speak up.

"So, why did you decide to take your glasses off?"

He looked at me with a monotone expression before speaking, "Well, you asked me what I looked like without them, and you also said that I didn't look like I needed them, so I thought about it, and decided to take them off."

"Why though? Just because I asked you a question?" I ask him my eyebrows scrunch up at the question.

He nods, "Yes, just for you, Belle"

My face heats up more, if that's even possible. My heart speeds up again and my stomach twists in knots as he just stares down at me.

I think I understand what I'm feeling now. I'm feeling. I'm feeling. I'm feeling the most famous feeling everyone wants to feel. I'm experiencing the feeling of love. The feeling that everyone is supposed to be born with.

"I think I know what I'm feeling, Adam." I suddenly say looking directly into his eyes

"What are you feeling, Belle." He stares intensely back into my own eyes.

"I'm, I'm feeling love, love for you! Which means I've grown to love you, Adam!" My hand on his shoulder grips the collar of his coat.

He smiles, a genuine smile. Not the ones he's been forcing, the ones that are drowned out.

"Belle, I've grown to love you too. Which means, I love you, Belle, my feelings have grown greatly since the first day I saw you, when I stuck my head in the locker to avoid you, but now, I wouldn't try to avoid you even if I was threatened to stay away from you, I wouldn't be able to." He stops and breaths before starting again,

"So, Since we're in this position, I wanted to ask, will you be mine Belle. Will you be with me till we pass away in one another's arms? Will you stick with me even in the dangers of the world? Can you be with me as this harsh world passes over us in a blip? Will you love me for eternity?"

Tears are in my eyes as I stare at him. "Yes! I want to be with you through it all! I love you too, Adam!"

He puts his hands gently on the back of my neck and pulls me towards him as we close the space between us, slowly engulfing into a gentle kiss.

Cheers erupt around us as we pull away from our embrace.

For the rest of the night, we dance and play around with Lumiere.

Now, I know what it feels like to love, and to be loved. It is an enchanting feeling. I know now why my heart always pounded and my face would heat up so much. It's because I loved Adam. I loved him even before he took off his glasses and finally showed his real face. I loved him not because of his looks but Only Because of His Personality...

You don't love someone because of their looks or their clothes or their car. You love them because they sing a song only your heart can understand.

-Oscar Wilde

Only Because of His PersonalityWhere stories live. Discover now