Chapter 10

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 "Belle! Come on! We need to go if you want to make it there in time!" I hear my father say.

I yell back to him, "I'm coming!"

Finishing up my bun and walking out of my room to find my father standing by the door.

He freezes seeing me in the golden dress I went to get with Lumiere yesterday.

"Belle. You look beautiful!" He throws his arms around me in a tight hug.

I hug him back not minding his small figure, basically suffocating me.

When he lets go, I heave out a long sigh, probably from holding my breath in his hold for so long.

"Let's go father,we don't want to be late now do we?" I say, walking out of the door of my beloved house.

He nods "Yes we should go! I don't want you to be late for your dance with That boy of yours. Adam, was that his name?" comments, walking out behind me to the drivers side of the car.

My face turns a bright shade of red as I sit down in the front seat.

"How did you even know his name? I didn't even tell you!" Embarrassed, I hide my face from him, trying to slow my heart beat.

"I saw when you were texting him one day. I didn't look at the messages, just the name." He's grinning, but why? Usually he's hesitant when boys talk to me, why does he like Adam so much?

When we drive in front of the school, I give my father a kiss on his jaw and get out of the car, trying hard not to snag my gown.

"I'll be home, Belle" I hear my father say as I'm finally all the way up out of the car, about to close the door.

"Bye Father" I say, closing the door.

He honks the horn of the car while pulling off disappearing around the building of the school, going back the way we came.

Turning towards the door of the school, I see a few people crowding the door, some about to go inside because of the coldness of the outside breeze.

I walk into the school, walking past some groups of people, not anyone I know, and make my way to the gym, where the Dance is taking place.

"The doors are decorated with blue and gold banisters, flowers and more decorations. The people who did this made it look like this was a professional ball with celebrities, but that's okay. It's a memory to keep hold of.

I walk inside, looking around. There's a table with snacks and drinks. The decorations inside the gym were almost the same as outside, except there was a variety of blue, gold and white streamers in the middle of the ceiling, it was it was elegant. Almost.

I spot Lumiere first and make my way over to him.

"Hello Lumi" I called him, using the new nickname I gave him while we were on the phone talking about this specific day.

"Oh! Hello Belle!" Turning to look at me he says "You're more beautiful than when you tried the dress on yesterday." Covering his forehead and holding his head back with his eyes closed

I'm again a blushing mess. But this time, it's from his complement.

I steady myself and try to cool down my face before I say "Well Lumiere, you are quite handsome yourself." With a smirk, I notice the slight redness that comes to his cheeks as I compliment him. I guess we're both complement deprived.

"Have you seen Adam yet? I haven't" He tells me crouching down a bit to my height.

"No, I haven't seen him. Also, do you have to crouch down, I mean I'm not that short." rolling my eyes I again say, "even though you are a bit taller than me."

Only Because of His Personalityحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن