Chapter 3

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"I can't believe that I got forced into something like this." I mutter looking towards the teacher with a glare that she can't see because her back is to me.

What exactly can't I believe? Well, this is a social class and the teacher wants us to go and 'hangout' with people in the group she picks for us and we have to rate our 'hangout' with them on a sheet of paper at the end of the semester. Unfortunately, I'm in a group with Gaston and someone I don't know. Even though she seems nice, and I could only hang out with her, but, I have to hang out with Gaston too. I'll get a good grade for this. I don't want to fail this semester.

I sigh, laying my head down in my crossed arms, letting the urge of sleep overwhelm me. The next thing I know I'm being shaken awake by the one person I don't want to see as soon as I wake up.

Groaning, I grab my things and start out of the classroom.

"Wait Belle! We have to hang out, remember!" I hear Gaston say close behind me.

"I know that, you know that and where's the other person? We need to hurry and, 'hangout', before I go home and do all of my work without hanging out with anyone." I say, not looking back at him to see his reaction to my sudden harsh words.

"They said they would wait outside at the gate for us." He says meeting my pace.

We stop at my locker so I can get my things and go.

Not making a sound we meet with the other person and make our way to the mall. Other than Gaston trying to make small talk with both of us, we were mostly quiet the entire way to the mall. 

Walking into the mall, we sit down at a bench before finally the other person we are with speaks up

"So what are your names?" Her voice is gentle and quiet and that startles me.

"My name is Belle, and this is Gaston." I say introducing myself and rolling my eyes when Gastons name comes out of my mouth "Whats your name?"

"My name is Armoire, it's nice to meet you two." She says with a smile

"Alright let's start this little 'hangout' and get it over with" I say trying not to sound harsh with my words.

 We make our way through the mall, stopping by almost every store buying thighs for each other.

Gaston was surprisingly not annoying me the entire time, instead I was enjoying the time there with him, until he asked me to date him again. 

"Gaston, I told you no! Stop asking me." I exclaim

"Aw, but come on Belle! Everyone wants me and that should include you. At Least give me a chance!" He says and I imagine myself rejecting him while he was on his knees begging for me to be with him.

Rolling my eyes at the thought, I turn towards Armoire

"Let's go, Armoire, we need to go home. I'll walk with you until we have to part our way. Okay?" I ask while walking beside her.

"Sure we can go. But what about Gaston, are we just going to leave him?" She replies to me lowering her voice when asking about Gaston.

"Hey I heard that!" I hear Gaston say from behind us.

"Yeah we definitely are leaving him behind. I don't want to deal with his shenanigans anymore." I answer her while thinking about how fast we should leave.

Grabbing her elbow, I started speed walking through the mall with her on my tail only due to her being dragged by me though the whole mall.

Once I finally step outside of the mall I slow my pace so Armoire can catch up to me.

"So, Armoire. Do you have any siblings?" I ask to avoid any awkwardness between us and to keep my gaze forward.

She hums "No I don't, but I like to think of everyone as family!"

I nod, still not looking at her in the eyes. For someone I have never met before until now, she seems like a good person. Nothing like the Bimbettes, The three blonde triplets in our school. They look, act, talk, and probably think the exact same way.

 "SO about you and Gaston. Why was he begging to be with you?" I hear her ask in a low, soothing voice.

FInally I look over to her and meet her eyes. Sighing, I bringing myself to look forward again.

"Well, to be honest, I don't know why he does that. Just for fun maybe? I just don't want him asking me out all the time though he knows I don't want to be with him. He's NOT the person I want to be with." I reply to her emphasizing the 'not' trying to explain my case.

I hear giggles coming from her and I look over to see her laughing with a hand over her mouth, seemingly trying to muffle them.

"Don't cover your mouth, I want the world to know I don't want to be with him and never will. So laugh with all your might!" I say pumping my fist in the air.

She uncovers her mouth and only a few giggles come out of her mouth before she stops laughing.

"Alright, this is where we part our ways." I hear her say, not seeing the path to her house until she said something about it.

"Oh. Alright, I'll see you tomorrow possibly."I say looking behind me waving back to her, still walking.

When she waves back and walks into her house I almost scream cause It was too late to get her phone number and didn't feel like going back.

Sighing to myself, I turn down a path a few blocks away from hers and I spot my house with my father sitting on the porch with a mug in his hand.

 "Hello Father, How was your day?" I ask stepping onto the porch.

"It was good belle. How was your day and your hangout that you told me about?" He replies to me.

"Both were alright. I'm going to go inside? I say not wasting any time to give my father a kiss on his jaw and walking in the house towards my room.

Putting my things down on the floor and opening my laptop and turning on my phone I see messages on my phone from Lumiere. Some with him telling me to let him know when he should call me so we can get the project done.

Sighing I text him a time and put my phone down.

This is going to be a long night, I can feel it.

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