Chapter 1

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Melody's P.O.V
Sometimes life works in misterious ways, you can't really product what is trying to do, or what will bring you. It can bring sorrow and pain and it can bring you joy and happiness at the same time, all of a sudden one person can become the most important thing in your life, no matter how long you have been apart or even if you have known about eachtoehrs existence sometimes that person just appears and you have this connection... Like they are apart of you... Littraly like you have been missing a part of you... This is what I was facing currently at the moment. I bumped in to this girl at the airport. Belss her she didn't allow me to fall down and helped me out, but now I can't seem to keep my eyes off of her...
"You have my face" we both said out of the 9 blue

A few days earlier....

"Ahh u can't belive my little girl is graduating!" my mom said as she rushed to me hugging me tightly making me wrap my arms around her as well
"Oh mom please don't make me cry... I already have been crying enough" I said as my mom nodded pulling me in to her arms tightly
"I know angel... I know, I promise you no more tears from those beautiful eyes of yours okay?" she said as she teared up
"Hey... This rule applies to you too okay? No tears coming from your beautiful eyes" I said kissing her head gently and whipping her tears away
My mom is my role model, she is one of the strongest woman I have ever met in my life, she has been trough so much. Most children don't know how they were consived but I knew pretty much... My mom was raped at a young age, she was only 15 when she gave birth to me, and yet not only she was alone, those terrable men were trying to steal me from her, luckily my grandparents took us in and I grew up healthy and happy, we didn't have much but she gave me all the dam love in the world and that was something that was priceless to me...
"There is my little girl" My mom's boyfriend Carlos said as he hugged me
"Aish please what is with both of you?" I asked as he teraed up as well.
He became my mom's boyfriend a year ago, but he has always been with us, or with my mom, he is her best friend and takes care of her so much.
"You are growing up Mel... Ofcourse we will be emotional..." he said making me smile a bit at him
"Thank you so much for being a father figure to me..." I said as he smiled at me kissing my head
"Always" he said as I felt someone hugging me from behind making me turn around instantly only to see Victoria, or as I like to call her Tori, my bestest friend in the whole world...she is an angel sent from haven
"There she is" Carlos said as my mom smiled and looked at Tori
"Come here sewatheart" she said as she grabbed Tori's hands and looked at her
"I'm so proud of you... Of both of you, I want you to promise me and stay togheter trough collage okay? It won't be easy but please promise me you will stay togheter..." my mom said as we looked at each other then at her
"We promise" we both said as my mom slowly nodded
"Don't promise me... Promise each other" she said as we looked at each other
"I promise Tori" I said
"I promise Mel" she said
"Good... Now how about we head to lunch? Our treat" Carlos said as we nodded smiling
"Meet you girls by the car" they both said making me nod as we turned around smiling
"Hey Victoria... I wanted to know if you can sign my year book" Jake... The star jock of the school asked me as I nodded
"Sure..." I said before witting down a little good luck in life message
"Can I have your number as well?" he asked looking at me making me sigh a bit
"I don't think that it is a good idea..." I said as he nodded looking at me
"Got it..." he said before leaving as Tori looked at me
"You know you could have given him the number" she said making me sigh a bit
"I just feel like it will not be the right time for romance in my life" I said making her nod
"Understandable..." she said before taking my hand leading me to the front of the school

Eliza's P.O.V
Being a mother is one of the best gifts I was ever gifted, I was so graitfull for my baby girl, but something in me aiched... Something I have been keeping from Melody and from my parents, something that I and Carlos only knew
"Shh don't cry my love" Carlos said before he slowly wrapped his arms around me making me sob in to his chest
"How can I not?... When it's a day like this or her birthday all I can think about is her... What kind of a mother am I?" I asked
"An amazing mother... That is Dooing everything she can to give Melody the perfect life" he said making me look at him
"By rasing her with a huge lie" I said as he wrapped his arms around me tightly
"Oi don't say that... You had no choice but to lie to her... She is happy and healthy now, thanks to what you did" he said making me sob even more
"Love come on... You have to tell her good news today... Don't cry" he said as I couldn't help but feel the pain in my chest... Call it mothers intuition but I couldn't get it out of my head, something was going to happen... Something in my past will come back...
"Shh love... She is coming you don't want her to see you like this" Carlos said before whiping my tears away
"Mon? Is everything okay?" Melody asked making me quickly turn around faking a smile for her
"Yes honey... I'm just emotional today" I said as she smiled and hugged me
"Don't cry....everything will only get better from now on" she said happily making me smile
As we arrived at the restaurant we all took a seat and looked at Melody and Tori
"I have something to tell you girls... Well me and Carlos have something to tell you" I said as they looked at us
"Me and your mother decided to get married" Carlos said as both Tori and Mel jumped out of their seats bursting in to happy tears as they both hugged us tightly
"Oh my God! I'm so happy for you!!" she said happily hugging us
"Thank you honey..."i said as I hugged them both
" Well let's celibate... We have two graduates and an engaged couple" she said as she ordered a couple of drinks making me smile at her
I wonder how much alike you are... Do you have the same personality or do you differ? I wonder what you are Dooing now my angel... I wonder when I can look at you again... I wonder if you will ever forgive me...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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