𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾. sacrifices

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"You're cold and my body is hot. Warm yourself."

Hesitantly, Nova grabbed Peeta's hand and was amazed. Peeta's body temperature was indeed above average and now she was using him as a radiator.

She clung to his hand and took a delighted deep breath. "Thank you."

Peeta smiled at her and leaned his head back against the rubbery bark of the tree.

For a while, the two sat in silence. Nova's thoughts wandered back to her family.

How was Eryn doing? Was she doing fine without her? Was her mother taking good care of the young girl? Were they watching the games on television?

A silver parachute fell through the dense canopy of leaves and landed on the ground. The four tributes let their gaze rest on the parachute, no one reaching out for it.

"Who do you think this is for?" asked Katniss picking it up off the floor. "I don't know," Finnick said. "What do you guys think about Peeta getting it. Because, you know, he died today."

Nova helped him up and accompanied him. He untied the cord and spread the circular piece of silk on the floor. On the parachute was a small metal object.

Peeta took the object in his hands. "What is this?"

No one knew. They let the object pass from hand to hand and examined it extensively.

It was a metal tube that tapered slightly at the end. At the other end, it had a small grommet that curved downward.

Peeta blew into it to test if it would make a sound. It didn't. Finnick stuck his pinky finger in and tested it as a weapon. Useless.

Katniss pondered for a long time and then her eyes lit up. "It's a spile!"

She earned confused looks. Not paying them any attention, Katniss snatched the metal pipe from Peeta's hand and ran toward one of the trees.

The four gathered around the tree. Finnick lifted a stone from the ground and was about to smash the spile into the bark, but Katniss stopped him.

"Don't. You might break it. We need another plan."

Nova took out one of her knives and pushed herself in front of Finnick. She carefully drilled a small hole in the tree and then took the spile out of Katniss' hand.

Then she took a step back and all four waited patiently. At first nothing happened, but then a few drops fell from the spile, turning into a beam.

Katniss gasped and greedily held her mouth under the stream of water. "You're kidding me," Finnick mumbled, a grin resting on his lips.

Row by row, everyone drank some water. As the water ran down Nova's throat, she immediately felt much fitter.

Her tongue didn't feel like sandpaper anymore and the scratching feeling went away as well.

Finnick picked up a leaf to catch water for Mags. Nova held her hands side by side and formed a sort of bowl, then splashed the water on her face.

Like everything else, the water was warm, but she wasn't going to complain. That they now had water was a luxury not many tributes could afford.

𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬, 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐮𝐧 , finnick odairحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن