What Is It Going To Take?

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"Next stop." Louis asked, pulling at my arm a little.  I sighed, following my friend.  I was a little curious to see what else she had planned.  

"This?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow.  Louis and I were currently standing in front of an old rental video store.  

"Yup." Louis chirped, popping the 'p' sound at the end.  I rolled my eyes, walking into the warmth of the store.  "Look around, you'll find another letter."  Louis whisepred, walking off down an aisle of scary movies.  I huffed a breathe, getting irritated with all the secrets.  I wandered down the romance aisle, my eyes open for a stupid red envelope.  But a certain movie aught my eye.  The Notebook.  I picked it up, and smiled down at the cover.  This movie was a very special part to me and Ashlynn's relationship.  I opened the box, and I wasnt surprised to find my next red letter.

I knew you'd find it.  Eleanor said youd have to use Louis' help to find this letter, but I knew once you saw it, youd know.  Anyways, the Notebook.  We watched it the night you asked me to be yours.  Harry.  The feeling I got when you asked the question was undescribable.  My whole future flashed before my eyes, and all I saw was me and you.  Thats when I knew I could never let you go.  And I wont.  Your the Noah to my Alli.  Harry, they made it through all their bumps in the road, and that gives me faith.  Faith that we can do it as well.  

"I knew you'd find it too." Louis' voice came from behind.  

"louis whats going on!?  You all seriously think that a little red letter is going to fix the fact that she kissed me best friend!?  Well its not." I yelled, and fortunatly, the movie store was dead.  

"If youd stop being so damn stubborn, and finish the hunt, then youll be pretty freaking happy.  Just trust me!" Louis ordered, grabbing my arm and pulling me back into the cold streets.  

"Thank god.  I could use some coffee." I barked, walking into the third stop on this stupid scavenger hunt.  

"Ask for Cheryl." Louis said.  My stomach dropped at the name.  Cheryl was our favorite starbucks lady back in NYC.  I cleared my throat before approaching the counter.  How ironic theres another cheryl working here.

"Could i speak to Cheryl?" I  asked the young blonde clerk, whose mouth was dangling open at me.  Great.  A fan.  

"S-sure!" She smiled, running off to the back kitchen.  I sighed with impatience, waiting for the Cheryl.  

"Harry?  Good to see you again!  Ashlynn flew me down!"  A familiar voice rang in my ears.  I spun to find the old Starbucks woman, with white hair, and a sweet smile on her face.  

"She said it was imperative that I gave you a red letter with your next card.  She also said you hated this Chicago coffee, and needed me to come down and make you some.  So heres your favorite!"  Cheryl smiled, handing me my drink.  

"Its brilliant to see you love!" I chuckled, hugging the old woman.  You might say theres no difference in coffee, but Cheryl makes the best damn cup of all time!  

"Like wise!  Now open that letter!" She shooed me away, and Lou and I stepped back out of the shop.  I opened the third letter.

I could tell you missed Cheryl when we first got into Chicago, so I thought I'd surprise you!  So, we had all of our important talks, and long laughs in the same starbucks in NYC when our relationship first started to bloom.  And well, I'd consider this place pretty special to us as well!  I told you all about my family, and friends and modeling here!  You shared things with me too.  Things that only made me love you as much as I do today!  So continue on, your journys almost done! 

Publicity (One Direction Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz