I dont deserve this

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Sad Sad Chapter.  Just to let you know, im not nearing the end I promise!!!  No worries, I have alot of ideas yet to come!  PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE AND COMMENT!  I cant tell if you like it or not unless you share your thoughts!  Thanks loves!  (: 



Ashlynn's P.O.V.

"Niall what is it?" Liam asked, taking my water cup and setting it on the nightstand.  I watched as the blonde boy walked to my side, and gently sat next to me.  

"Niall?" I quirked an eyeborw at him, taking in his befuddled appearance.  His blonde locks were all astray, and his eyes looked shocked.  I was quite nervous about his news!  I had a feeling it wasnt good.  

"It's Harry... He and Callie...." My stomach dropped at just the thought of them together.  I didnt trust that girl with Harry.  What the hell did Niall have to tell me?

"What about them Niall!?" I asked urgently, preparing myself for extremly bad news.  

"They kissed." He spat out.  My stomach fell, my breath hitched in my throat, and my whole body went numb.  How...  How could he kiss that whore!?  

"Oh.... I see.  Did you see it happen?" I responded, not sure what else to say.  All I knew is I didnt want the boys in any sort of drama, so I'd try and keep calm for now.  

"Yes.  This isnt some trickto get you to fall for me Ashlynn.  I just figured the longer I waited, the more I wouldnt want to tell you about it.  But I know you deserve to know..... So here we are." Niall placed a hand on top of mine, but I couldnt bring my self to look into his eyes.  The pain surging through my body right now, was just to much to handle.

"Well Niall, I dont think youll have to worry about her falling for you.  After I explain what happened, things will get better for us." I heard a very familiar voice comeing from near the hotel door.  My eyes shot up to find Harry, angrily gripping onto the door handle.  

"But... Explain to me why Niall might think you would fall for him.  Truly, I really want to know."  Harry stepped inside the room, slamming the door behind him.  I jerked my hand away from Niall's, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.  

"Why dont you explain that kiss?  You have no right to turn this on me right now Harry." I spat back, climbing out of the bed.  The cool air of the hotel room, sent chill bumps up my legs.  Although I wasnt so sure it was the air conditioner, or Harry's deadly facial expression, sending the bumps all over my legs.  

"The whore kissed me.  Niall saw.  I knew he'd gotten the wrong idea.  I pushed her away, and told her to leave, and never contact us again."  Harry answered walking over and standing next to a quiet Liam.  He hadnt said much since Niall told us about the kiss, but I was glad he was there to chaperone the argument I knew was about to break out.  

I thought about Harry's explanation, and suddenly I felt silly for believeiung he would ever cheat on me with a tramp like Callie.  We are truly in love, and I have faith he would never screw up what we have for somthing that would only last a night.

"Your turn." Harry glared down at me, waiting for an explanation.  I took a deep breathe, contemplating whether to lie or tell the truth.  I figure Harry deserves the truth seeing as we're now an extremly serious couple.  Well atleast for a few more minutes we are.  

"Niall and I... We were pretty close before you and I started to date.  He was there whenever I needed to talk, and when we would get into our arguments I would run to him for help.  But then things started to escelate between me and you, and I cut things off with Niall.  There wasnt anything going on with us, but I made it clear all my feelings were for you.  Well then..." I choked up.  How was I supposed to tell the boy I was in love with, that his best friend threw me up against a wall and kissed me... and that I kissed back for a moment.  

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