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After our ride to work in my car,we made a stop at a bakery close to the office building I work at,don't even ask me why

"You know, I can't stop thinking about what would've happened if I hadn't pull you out of Starbucks, cause you were ready to bust someone's son's head open" violet just kept rambling "I swear to God voilet u will be the one with an open skull, but you're right I probably would be in jail by now getting ready to go to juvvie " Violet busted out laughing earning a look from the customers in the bakery,and we muttered quick sorries to the people around and paid for the cookies and apple pie we bought

"Mind me saying, he wasn't that good looking "I suddenly say earning one of her signature 'are you serious' looks"I mean people can literally over hype things or people okay?, I'm not saying he's not hot, all I'm saying is he was not as handsome as I imagined" I think I spoke too soon and too fast cause God I look so crazy right now.

We kept walking I'm silence untill Violet replied my rant with simple words"well I don't know what you imagined but he is handsome"it was so soft I almost didn't hear her talk

"Well this is where we part ways huh?"I said to her dryly "yeah see you later,call me for lunch break okay?"  "Yeah sure" we shook hands and parted ways.

Well that was awkward, I didn't want something so little to destroy our friendship of 20 years,I cherish violet alot and it hurts me to see her sad because of something I said,hell I don't know what I did to upset her and I don't apologise easily but I'll do it for her if it makes her happy.

By this time I was on a private elevator that reflected my body back to me as if it was saying 'take it back bitch' like hey elevator,did I offend you. The ding that came from the elevator signified that I had gotten to where I wanted it to take me. I stepped out of the elevator and walked straight to the mahogany doors at the end of the isolated hallway,it was just the way I liked it, quiet.

"Hey daddums" I said as I opened the door without looking around the room ,trust me when I tell you he came earlier than I did in my own place of work, honestly I don't know what he comes to do here but I'm not counting on knowing,the man is very sly and always have a purpose of showing up when he did.

The office used to belong to my dad untill I turned 19 ,boss didn't have the patience to wait any longer ,in his words he had his wife to satisfy and I was old and smart enough to take over the Stone Corp ,a multi million dollar company that deals on anything that has to do with shipment and creation if gadgets,and he was right.

"So, what brings you, here ,today?" I asked him,he was about making a joke before I cut him short "your mother and I need grand children,it's time to get married my love"

"SAY WHAT NOW???!!!!?"

And that's a wrap, how was this chapter,was it good enough, let me know in the comments and a happy happy new month lovelies wishing you the best December has to offer, until next time in 3 more days

Love ya😍😍😘

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