Everything is changed!

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Rohit - Vi..Virat.. Virat.. open the door.. VIRAT.. I swear I will kill you if you don't open this door now..

He was banging the door continuously but there was zero response. Virat had returned from the board meeting and locked his door. Reception would not give key to Rohit even after using his name and threatening them. He didn't why what had gotten into them today.

Rohit- Vi please open the door Na.. mere liye pls Vi..

He pleaded and it worked.. door was unlocked. He saw Virat standing there having no expression on his face. They went inside and sat on the sofa.

Rohit- kya hua?

He asked softly.

Virat didn't say anything but just turned on the news.

'MS Dhoni has been appointed mentor for Indian cricket team for upcoming World Cup which is gonna help the team a lot. His presence and experience is gonna create difference which is what the board is convinced of and is expecting a good tournament'

Rohit dropped the remote in shock and sat on sofa beside Virat.

Rohit - he is coming back... he is.. oh god! How.. what are we gonna do.. what we are gonna talk..

Virat didn't respond anything just kept his hand on Rohit's back in attempt to calm him down somehow.

Virat - let's go to team room.. everyone would be waiting! He is going to come in 10 mins. So we should be there as captain and vice captain. It's our duty.

Rohit looked at Virat and there was no emotion on his face. For the very first time he wasn't able to understand Virat. What was he thinking? How was he?

They both went into the team room to find the team sitting there with gloomy and sad faces. As Rohit entered first.. Rishabh hugged him tightly.

Rishabh- I don't know what is gonna happen but I don't know how to face him bhaiya.. please be with me.. I am scared!

Rohit just patted his back and sat beside him as he clinged to him.

Virat entered and everyone looked at him to say something.

Virat - it was board's decision and i have just acknowledged it though I had an idea about the comeback after that incident but I was not sure. So I am just clarifying that I don't know anything..

He said in a formal tone and sat in a corner. Rohit sighed at that behaviour.

After sometime Mahi entered the team room with the officials. Everyone stood up at their entry.

'So as you all know from the news and Ofcourse from the captain that MS is gonna be the mentor. So we welcome him and hopefully this is gonna be a great tournament'

Saying this they left.

Virat - welcome MS! Do you want to say something?

Mahi - MS? Really Virat? MS.. still you are calling me MS after everything that has happened., you still don't believe me, do you?

He sadly chuckled.

Mahi- ya what should I expect more from you. Trust, believe this words have no meaning for you. Anyway, thanks for the welcome.

Virat didn't even react a thing on that.

He said as Ravi bhai arrived in the room and sat on the chair whole everyone too sat down on their seats.

Ravi bhai- so MS let's start with ur inputs and then we can merge and discuss about it combining everything.

Mahi- no it's okay.. I have just come.. we can start with captain and vice captain. As I know in 2 years many dynamics have changed. So let me understand that dynamics clearly.

Virat and Rohit began with their strategies and planning. Mahi gave inputs in between.

Mahi observed Rohit was trying hard to control his tears along with other team members which melted his 1% of heart may be. But Virat had no expression on his face.

Ravi bhai- okay then done! I know you guys have lot to catch up.. so I will leave you guys alone.

Saying this he left the room.

Rishabh could not control himself. He went and sat near his knees. Tears were streaming down his face.

Rishabh- bhai.. I missed you so much you know.. I had called you so many times. Just to ask your forgiveness. Bhai.. I am so sorry. I am really sorry.

Mahi looked at him and he so wished that Virat or Rohit would be in Rishabh's place. He didn't know why but they had that soft corner in his heart which was closed for now. He knew if he see them in tears he would forgive them in a second.

But that was not happening. Virat was sitting on his place lost in thoughts or his phone.. he was not able to figure out. And Rohit was consoling Jassi who was also crying like Rishabh.

'They still don't trust me' Mahi thought.

Rishabh- Mahi bhai.. please..

His pleads broke Mahi's thoughts.

Mahi- get up please..

Rishabh got up hearing that tone.

Mahi- see I am here for two months till the World Cup ends. And I am here in a professional capacity. So I want you to respect that boundaries too. I need my personal space. So I hope you maintain that distance.

Virat- sure! We will respect that.

He said and left the room.

Jassi - bhai please.. ek baar baat toh sun lo.. pls!

Mahi- I am tired due to travelling so am gonna rest in my room. I will meet you guys tomorrow in gym session or practice session.

He said and left the room.

Rohit- guys don't force him please.. he has already been through so much than we can imagine.. so pls..

He said and left the team behind.

Mahi went to his room and locked the door. He sat on his bed burying his head in his hands.

Mahi- why ? Why they affect me so much? Why he is affecting me so much after everything? Why I am letting my emotions come in between when I see him? And he is hardly affected by me .. he still doesn't trust me... why??? What did I do to deserve  this??

Thinking all this he slept off.

Rohit went in Virat's room and saw him sitting in the balcony. He sat beside him and kept his head on Virat's shoulder.

Rohit- don't you think we should have said something? I don't know why but I could see expectations  in his eyes.. that he was expecting something from us.

Virat- if he is still expecting something from us after what all we have done then he is a fool!

Rohit- VI! Don't say like that!

Virat just rested his head back on the headboard as they sat in the room. Didn't speak anything and just waited darkness to embrace them.


Hi with the first chapter. I hope you all like it. Today I have updated both the new stories.. this one and other is 'bleeding tears'.. do support both of the stories. Drop ur comments, in-line reactions on how u like it. Happy reading!

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