Part 2

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@MohanLal9 asked this

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@MohanLal9 asked this.

Well as you know from the previous part . I'm in my last year of high school or as we call it here secondary. I don't take SATs but CXC exams at the end of the year. For the past two weeks we've been studying and taking Mock-mock exams to prep for the Actual Mock exams in February and the CXC exams in May. So I haven't had a lot of time to myself.... Or sleep.

But it's also soon Winter break so I will be posting more in all my books.

I'll also start making one shot books for my favorite fandoms (which yes includes Boboiboy) cause let me tell you, when I get into a show with not a-lot of backstory I MAKE the backstory I got enough lore for each fandom to make into an encyclopedia.

I make these head cannons up on the fly I daydream events that would look SO COOL animated. Which, since I'm going into animation might happen. Years from now but still.

Boboiboy Galaxy Au Q and A! Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu