"Let's not do any of that, (Y/n). I'll explain everything to you, and everything will turn out right." He takes his thumb and wipes off a stray tear from your cheek, smiling kindly at you. "So, allow me to explain. Kenny has something special, something that you and I and everyone else do not have. When I was still alive, he would be killed in a variety of ways. But he always came back. It was almost like the universe reset itself and, after a few days, everyone would forget about it. And he'd come back."

"If that's the case, then why do you remember it now?" You ask softly.

"Well, the forgetting stops when you're not there to actually witness it. As someone who's dead, I'm immune to anything that happens in the living world. So I now know what everyone knows. It seems that the only person that remembers, other than you now, is Cartman. It seems like it just doesn't faze him anymore. Maybe it never did."

So... he's alive again? Alive and well? Without thinking, you hug Chef, wrapping your arms around him as much as you can, your face in his shirt.

"Whoa, kid! Don't get too mushy on me now." He ruffles your hair. When you peek up at him, he grins at you. "Now, I think it's time that you wake up. I think something is waiting for you when you come back to reality."

"Thank you so much, Chef...!"


You wake up to your mother knocking on your door. "Pumpkin? I know you haven't been feeling too good, but there's someone at the door for you." The looming tone in her voice that let you know that she knew you were grieving, not just feeling bad is gone. You guess Chef was really right about everyone forgetting...

You trudge out of your room, rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes. You walk down the stairs and to the living room, where a certain someone sits on your couch.

There he is, in all his glory. His eyes are full of life again, his messy hair framing his face. His skin... it's back to its original color, not the hauntingly gray kind that you saw that day. You have to stop yourself from breaking down in tears immediately. You walk in front of him, your heart hammering against your chest as you speak.

"Hey, Kenny."

He gazes at you for a moment, the look in his eyes... is almost disappointed. But it's gone as quickly as it comes. He smiles at you, standing up as he shoves his hands in his soft yellow hoodie's pockets. "Hey, (Y/n). I heard you weren't feeling good. Everyone's worried about you, y'know?"

"Yeah. I bet I look like shit, too," you chuckle sheepishly.

"You always look great to me. Even like this," he gently reminds you, something that makes you smile a bit. He's always been the type to compliment you... "Why don't you lead the way to your room, huh? I missed how comfortable your bed is."

"Yeah... that's a good idea."

He flops onto your bed when he gets close enough, sighing happily at the feeling of your soft comforter around him. You sit next to him, your hands in your lap as you stare at him.

He's real. He's real and alive... but you can't forget how awful he looked when you saw the life being drained from him.

Poor Kenny...

Your Kenny.

"What're you looking at me like that for? Don't tell me that you—"

"I know what happened," you interrupted. You look away from him, your fists clenched in your lap. Tears begin to well up in your eyes. "And it was all my fault. If I hadn't been stupid enough to not even notice that that pervert had a knife, then you... you would have been fine." Your voice shakes as you finally begin to sob. "I held you as you died, Kenny. I saw the life snuffed out from you. Seeing the light leave your eyes... it was worse than any of the torture I have went through. I don't care what happens to me, I don't give a shit. But you... I can't believe I let you die for someone as useless as me."

"Y-You're not useless at all!" He stammers, reaching out so he can wipe the tears from your eyes. He looks... almost shocked that you even remember. Chef told you that no one other than Cartman could retain this information... that is, before you. "(Y/n), it stung like a bitch and I'm not going to lie to you about that. But it... it's not the worst I've ever suffered! I-I would die for you again and again in a heartbeat! Because..." A blush spreads onto his cheeks, something that is a bit odd considering how flirty he usually is. He hangs his head slightly. "I... Don't make me say it again. I know you remember what I said..."

Your heart flutters against your chest, and you lean forward, capturing him in your arms. You hold him close and tight, your face in the crook of his neck. After a moment, he hugs you back.

"I want nothing more than to be forever by your side, (Y/n)," he says softly, almost as though he's feeling bashful. It's like he's completely forgotten about how many times he's made passes at you. He pets your hair as he continues to speak. "Everyone feels this way about you. None of us are safe from you. But I wouldn't change it... I don't even mind sharing you if you'll have me."

He leans away, bringing his hands to your cheeks and guiding you to look at him in the eyes. You feel like the air has been taken from your lungs. "So please... tell me that you love me too...?"

"I... I do..."

A sweet smile graces his features, and he leans in. His soft lips brush against your own, even for just a moment, in a chaste kiss. It's sweet and soft, just like you had imagined your first kiss. You bet your face is a million shades of red right now, but you don't care. You're here and you're with him... what more could you want?

You grin stupidly at each other for a moment before bursting into giggles. "Now, what's that feel good anime you were talking about? I've been wanting to watch it with you."

"Silver Spoon!" You gasp before scrambling to get to your computer. "It's so cute, Ken, you don't even know!"

"It must be if you're getting so excited about it." He tilts his head to the side a bit, a smile toying upon his lips. "Or are you excited to spend time with your new boyfriend, huh?"

"Yes to both!" You exclaim without thinking. You miss the way he hides his face a bit in his hoodie from your answer.

After a couple of episodes of Silver Spoon, you're fast asleep in his arms. He looks down at you, sleeping so soundly. He tucks a piece of your hair away from your face, a sigh leaving his lips. He knows that you were worrying yourself sick prior to his visit... Perhaps he should have told you about his "condition" before something like that happened. It hadn't happened in a while, though.

He reaches over your pretty little head and shuts the lid of your computer before laying back down on his back. You looked so pretty, cuddled against his chest like this... God, he would kill to keep you safe... and he has, but he would do it a million times again.

He presses a kiss to your forehead and slowly closes his eyes.

The guys are going to be royally pissed when they find out that he got to you first. Maybe one of them will kick him in his nuts, but at this moment, he can't even bring himself to care in the slightest. He's with you, after all...

His (Y/n).

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