Daichi x Fem!Reader

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You undo the two locks on your door and swing it open, giving the man on the other side of the door a stern look.

"Woah, slow down there, Fredy Krueger." He chuckled looking down at the knife, "Heard a call for a hug needed at this address over the police scanner. I brought backup." He raises his hands to show two milkshakes and fries from your favorite diner down the road.

"Daichi, you scared the fuck out of me. Thanks for the freaking warning. You could have, i dunno, texted me back?" You said, stepping side to let the handsome man in.

He was still in his uniform from training, and knowing he came straight to your place after a long day made the guilt sink a little deeper. Daichi walked over and set the food down on your coffee table, and with the sweetest smile, he turned to you and enveloped you in the signature Daichi hug. It was warm, and he applied just enough pressure to make you feel... safe.

That's the energy Daichi created. Safety. Your cheek was pressed firmly to his strong chest, and you allowed your arms to snake around his waist and settle on his lower back. In sync, you both let out a deep sigh, allowing each other to melt into one another. You felt him rest his cheek on the top of your head, and the two of you stayed that way for a few seconds. His hands moved slowly up and down your back, as if he was trying to memorize every inch of it.

"You're still in your uniform, please tell me you didn't just finish your day and came straight here." You mumbled softly, eyes still closed as you basked in the comfort of the hug.

"Why, would that be a problem?" He replied as kindly as ever. Feeling his voice vibrate in his chest sent a wave of chills running through your body.

"I just feel bad is all, you probably had a really long day. I'm sure the last thing you wanted to do was stay up later than you have to just to come see a pouty person," You said softly and you lifted your head off of his broad chest to look up into his dark eyes. You saw as his eyes shifted, unable to find a spot to land your face. The corners of his mouth curled upward, and the butterflies in your stomach went wild.

"You're cute when you pout though, I couldn't miss that." You rolled your eyes and broke the eye contact Daichi was so good at maintaining.

"I had a rough day too," He sighed, using his wide hand to press the back of your head back into his sturdy chest. "I wanted to text you too, but I was scared you were going to think it was a booty call or something." He said sheepishly.

Daichi never got shy. Daichi never hesitated. But if you're in the picture... he can't help but think everything through more carefully than normal.

You allowed your eyes to close, and leaned deeper into his embrace, allowing him to bare some of your weight.

"Y/N, as much as I'm enjoying this, the milkshakes are going to melt." Daichi said quietly.

You let out a groan, not wanting to let go. Daichi let out a laugh, and dropped his hands to your waist, he swiftly picked you up and gently tossed you onto the couch. You let out a squeal as you were suddenly airborne and dropped onto the cushions. You looked up and the sweet man above you as you watched him hand you a shake. He sat next to you and slipped his left arm over your shoulder, encouraging you to curl up into his side.

"What, do I already have the milkshake on my face?" Daichi asked with a smirk, noticing the prolonged stare you were giving him.

"Thank you. This really... this really means a lot to me." You said, dropping your gaze after the moment unintentionally vulnerability ended.

"Hey now, don't get all quiet on me," Daichi used his strong arm to gently squeeze you tighter, nudging you to continue.

"Its nothing. Its just nice to have someone I can, I dunno trust?" You said, unable to form the words you really meant. "For some reason I believe you. I believe you when you said you wanted to see me. To be honest with you I felt terrible texting you and felt awful that you came all this way just 'cause I was having a bad day."

Daichi slowly rubbed circles over your arm with his thumb, causing your train of thought to completely derail.

"I'm just trying to say thank you, is all." You spit out quickly, your brain too distracted by the hand on your shoulder that continues to sooth you. Interestingly enough, it ended up flustering you further, and you felt the blood rush to your cheeks.

"Thank me for what? For the milkshakes or for caring about you?" Daichi said softly before bringing the straw up to his lips. He took a sip, allowing you to process what you just heard. He saw the puzzled look on your face. Rightfully so, as he had just unpacked some of those good ol' abandonment issues.

Your jaw went lose, as you sat there in a bit of a shock. He giggled to himself softly. You took the opportunity to give him a solid punch to the chest.

"Ow!" He feined pain, his smile turning into a playful pout.

"Don't laugh at me!" You said through gritted teeth, allowing a laugh to slip through. After a moment of silence, you looked into Daichi's eyes. They were so warm. So soft, and so comforting. While not particularly striking, they eased your nerves, and you easily got lost in them. What a conundrum he was. He was simultaneously able to make you unable to sit still by just placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, while sedating your nerves just by his kind eyes.

"Both." You finally answered. Voice soft, calm and steady. Daichi smiled, and you watched as his eyes darted from yours, down to your lips, and back up again. You felt a warm light fill your chest and expand into your limbs. Things always felt better, felt easier, when Daichi was around. The warm light seemed to envelope the both of you, expanding past your body and into the air around you. As if a magnetic force suddenly appeared, you felt your chest being pulled toward Daichi's broad one. In a smooth motion, he set his cup down in between his legs and carefully moved toward you. Inches away from your face, you heard a small gasp escape his lips and his eyes widened, realizing what he was about to do without even asking for your consent.

"I'm sorry can I... can I kiss you?" He whispered, as he cautiously awaited your response.

With a big goofy grin, you nodded your head. Using his right hand, he cupped your left cheek and carefully guided your lips to meet his. He softly pressed his lips against yours. He was so sweet on you, so gentle, as if the weight of the world depended on this first kiss. He pulled away rather quickly, wanting to show you his respect and patience with you.

"What, that's all I get?" You teased.

"Well, I... you know-" He stammered, caught off guard by your quick response.

You giggle to yourself, "cute," you said softly. You softly gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled him toward you once again. As your lips met for a second time, a sense of security enveloped you like a blanket. A sudden rush of confidence taking over as you pressed a little harder in to Daichi. His left arm slipped down your back, pulling you closer as his right hand supported the back of your head. After living in the kiss for a few moments, you pull away to look back at the handsome man in front of you.

"'Cute'... they say. That's my line, you know that, right?." He said, as warm as ever.

The rest of the night was spent venting and enjoying each other's company, as well as the good food Daichi had brought.

Comfort, safety, and kindness. These are things Daichi brought you. Little did you know, you give these things to him as well, a feat not won by many.

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