I'm already half way through 3rd grade, and it seems like daddy isn't going to wake up anytime soon.

the doctor still doesn't want me to meet with my daddy, and I don't understand why.

Summer  was rolling around the corner, and this is my first time without daddy, summer isn't the same anymore.

even though, rue and atlas is by my side, they wouldn't tell me anything about daddy or if he's still sleeping.

i lay still in my bed, awake, i try to convince myself that daddy is fine and he'll be back.

so, when going to school, my last day of school, i got a call.

i never ran so fast to the front desk, and it was rue picking me up, she tells me that daddy had awaken.

i couldn't think of anything else, except for daddy.

when I approach daddy's room at the hospital, i hear rue behind me saying something like 'wait for me' or 'don't run' but I couldn't listen as I was excited to meet daddy.

i open the door, for the first time, seeing daddy in awhile.

he wasn't at the bed, "daddy?" i ask, trying to find him, which I did, he was fixing his shirt, buttoning up the collar.

"daddy!" i say, tackling him from behind, except.

daddy was startled, and pushed me away.

"get away" what I hear daddy say, his voice indifferent, and cold.

"but papa-" he silences me with the menacing look I never seen before, "i am not your papa" daddy says, and i feel my eyes brimming with tears.

"he doesn't remember you" i hear rue coming,

"daddy it's me! I'm your daughter" i say, with tears falling down my cheeks, but the man who looks like daddy, remains indifferent.

"i don't have a daughter." and with that he brushes me off as I was clinging onto his dress shirt.

"papa!" i say, not convinced that he just forgot me. it can't be.

"get the child away" daddy orders rue, and i continue to cry.

"daddy..!? papa! I'm sorry! i love you! don't hate you"i continuously say, almost like a broken record, daddy can't just forget me..

but he remains unemotional, and ignores me.

he remembers rue but not me?

"come on sweetie." rue ushers me out of the room, and atlas holds onto my hand, but rue goes back into the room.

"lassie.. does daddy hate me?" i ask with my lips quivering.

"no. your daddy loves you" atlas tries to convince me, but after what I saw, i wasn't convinced.

"why doesn't daddy want me around?" i ask.

"something altered his memories, and doctors are trying to figure out what happened." atlas explains.

so daddy gets discharged, and he still remembers where he lives, but when he saw me again, his eyes held no emotion and just looked annoyed.

"why is 'it' here?" daddy turns to rue, i was fumbling with my bag full of candies, and I felt small compared to my daddy.

"she's your daughter" rue says to daddy, but daddy just suddenly walks off,

"whatever. don't let me see her" he says going off to his room.

"rue., daddy hates me?" i twiddled with my thumbs, "no.. sweetie. your daddy is just a bit confused" My nanny says.

but I ran up to my room, and cry some more.

i was so excited to meet daddy after everything, and he thinks I'm a stranger.

i don't get it. he knows atlas, rue, but me? is this a cruel joke?

daddy is different, and i hate it. i want daddy back, i just want daddy to love me again.

i wish daddy didn't save me and let me be in that accident, but no.. daddy saves me.

i missed my last day of school party to welcome dad home, but daddy didn't even want me.

living here feels like walking on eggshells.

daddy lets me do whatever I want as long as I dont get in his way, i made a mistake of going to his bedroom to sleep, and he treated me coldly.

he left his bedroom and went to the spare bedroom, leaving me to his big warm bed.

i try to not interact with him as much.

but it's so hard, that my daddy who calls me princess looks at me different.

Like some nuisance, and it makes me sad.

we hit the 1 month mark since daddy's been discharged, and so far daddy still hates me..

i hid behind the curtains as I peer out, seeing daddy in the kitchen, i see rue in the kitchen too.

"Did they find the cure?" i hear rue say, i decided to eavesdrop.

"no. but seeing that kid around gives me such a headache, the pain killers aren't even working anymore" daddy says, and I try to suppress the unwanted emotion.

"it's because you are her father. she's your daughter, it makes sense you get a headache"

"i don't recall having a daughter. i don't remember"

"please try to remember. i know it'll cause some headache, but maybe seeing the photos will help you"

i see my nanny pulling out pictures that consists of daddy and me.

"get that thing away" daddy says with his hands clasping on his head as he averts his gaze from the photo album.

i decided to enter the kitchen, usually rue tries to chase me away, but daddy locks eye contact with me.

"You." he says, as he tries to withstand the headache.

"daddy" i say, but he just furrows his brows.

"I'm not your father" is all he said before he exits the kitchen.

tears were already forming, and rue was quick to give me a hug, "oh sweetie. i know" she says, "i just want daddy to love me" i cry.

published: 11.28.22




a/n: oh no:(( her father forgot her! will everything be okay?

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