Finding a Job

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A quick author's note😭: the boys above are not part of the Naruto universe, they are made up by me, therefore they don't have any names related to Naruto.

Naruto's PoV-

The alarm goes off. My eyes open and I sigh. Time to look for a job. Although I'm not that good at doing anything, I'm sure there's a job that doesn't require crazy skills.

I get up and scratch the back of my head as I gaze upon the portrait on the beige wall. My feet bring me up and the cloth still wrapped around my head, I look at the portrait in agony. It's me and Sasuke. Why did I ever like him when I was young!? Why did Mikoto leave a picture like this?! My body burns with anger and hate as I stomp to the bathroom. I look at my reflection. I see someone who's angry, confused, and...sad. I sigh and start washing my face. I take the cloth over and see the few blobs of dried blood on my blonde hair. I need to take a shower. The doctor said I can take off the wrap today. So I should be fine. I start the shower. The lukewarm water hits my hand as I figure out the correct temperature. "Lukewarm is the best", I say sighing with happiness. I've never felt this happy after the car accident. I'm glad I'm changing, I need to become another man. A strong person that will not let his guard down in front of anyone. I must be someone powerful. And I will be, I will become someone powerful.

I look at my combed hair in the mirror by the front door and shrug as I put my shoes on. 'Do I have change?' I find a couple of '20 dollars' on the dressing table near the mirror. I snatch it and open the door. This is my first leave of the house after the hospital. A biscuit is sticking out of my mouth and I have two water bottles in my hand. I freeze when I find the two boys from yesterday again... I feel bad. I didn't give them water yesterday. I look at the water bottles and head towards them. I get on my knees, "hello there, what are your names?" I ask smiling to them, this is the first time I smiled after a long time. "Umm, I'm Aoki, and this is Kota, my young brother." The older one says, swallowing a lump of courage. I feel very bad. My parents always taught me to help people. Parents, do they have parents? "Where are your parents?" I say as sweat drops from my face. "Umm... They died of radioactivity, they used to work as janitors at a power plant, then they d-died of radioactivity." He says, he's a very brave boy. How adorable. "My parents died too." I say smiling sadly. They both lift their heads, "really?" The younger one says. "Here, some biscuits and a bottle of water, sorry I took a bit of biscuits." I say nervously laughing. "T-thank you so much!" They both say. "Well, goodbye!" I say waving as I make my way down the empty street. This is a very clean neighbourhood. Just like it was before I..left..

I find a coffee shop that say 'Seina coffee'. A flyer is plastered on the glass door. 'Looking for janitors, $75 dollars a week', this would do for starters. I enter. A middle aged man turns, and it looks like his 'son?' is next to him. They both bow, "Welcome!" The older one says. "H-hello, umm is the job offer still up." The younger one begins, "yes, we just need your name and show us your skills!" He says smiling brightly. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, nice to meet you!" I say bowing. I'm nervous, I hope they accept me.

"Your doing great, we'll happily take you in." The older one says. I bow happily and proudly. "When should I start work?" I ask tilting my head. "You can start today if you have time." The younger one says. He looks kind, I should make friends, I'm not an introvert so it should be easy. Sweat drops from the back of my neck, 'right?!' they both look at me in worry "is there something wrong?" I try to make an excuse. "..Your names! I don't know your names." I sigh of relief. "I'm Daichi, and this is my nephew Daiki." The older one says. I bow, "Follow me!" Daiki says, I do as he says. He takes me to a dressing room. "This is your uniform, we don't really distinguish between uniforms, so this should work!" He gives me the apron and leaves.

It's been 5 hours, oh! I'm so tired. My body is still exhausted. "Our working hours are over, you can head home now." Daichi says. I bow as I take off my apron and head to the room, I put in on the hanger and leave the shop. "I must keep my physique!" I say wiping the sweat. "Oh hello!" I say to the young boys from earlier. "H-hello!" Aoki says happily. I take off my jacket. "Here take this! It is quite cold these days. We don't want you catching a cold." I say brightly. Kota blushes and says, "thank you so much sir!" That caught me off guard. "Of course, no problem. I say smiling and making my way back to the house. I head to the kitchen and make myself some ramen. I miss dad's ramen...

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