My Imaginary Friend is my Love Interest #2

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Frizzy O'Doodle sits on the couch. I walk into the living room and smile as I see Frizzy.

Frizzy waves and says, "Good morning!"

I wave back.

I exclaim, "Good morning!"

"Would you like me to make food?" Frizzy asks.

I respond, "Yes, please."

"Do you still like pancakes?" Frizzy asks as he gets up.

"Of course!" I exclaim.

Frizzy O'Doodle goes to make pancakes.

Frizzy says, "It's been a while since we last seen each other. Has anything changed?"

I think about it for a bit.

I say, "Not really."

"You never had any break ups or first loves or moved out on your own or anything that would change you as a person?" Frizzy asks.

"Well I just moved out on my own so that counts. Right?" I say.

"How was that? Any historical events?" Frizzy asks.

I say, "It was okay, I found my old sketchbook so that brought you back. There's been a lot of historical events. It might take a while to tell you all of them."

Frizzy O'Doodle hands me a plate of pancakes. I smile, sitting down with the plate of pancakes, and pour syrup on them.

Frizzy O'Doodle hands me a fork and says, "We have a long time to catch up."

I say, "Well tell me about yourself."

Frizzy O'Doodle is confused and says, "You remember me, I'm your wacky but somewhat reasonable friend. For me the years have disappeared suddenly and therefore I have nothing to add."

I say, "Well there was a pandemic and I was in quarantine, I couldn't make friends so I'm glad you're back."

Frizzy hugs me and I hug Frizzy back.

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