"If I looked like that I wouldn't stick around for a chat." I said making him look at me.

"Maybe it was one of your classmates." He suggested as we stopped walking.

"Sheriff, I find that question offensive." Principle Weems said making me scoff.

"I don't care, 'cause I got three other dead bodies in the morgue." He said making me raise an eyebrow. "Hikers just ripped apart in the woods." He added on

"The mayor said those were bear attacks." Principle Weems said as me and Wednesday glanced at each other.

"Well, the mayor and I disagree on that." He said as I finished my lollipop.

"Don't start." I told Wednesday pulling out a lollipop.

"So you automatically assume a Nevermore student is the murderer, even though there's no evidence a crime was even committed." Principle Weems said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I forgot, you only teach the good outcasts here, right?" The Sheriff asked making Principle Weems sigh.

"My guess is Rowan ran away." Principle Weems said as we walked into her office.

"State troopers have put out an alert, and I've contacted his family, but they haven't heard from him either." Principal Weems said as we walked over to her desk.

"Dead people are notoriously bad at returning calls." Me and Wednesday said at the same time.

"What were you doing out in the woods with him, Ms. Addams and Ms Addams?" The Sheriff asked us as he sat down.

"I heard a noise and-" I started just for Wednesday to cut me off.

"Friday is the nosy one so if she hears something she'll find out what it is." Wednesday said as I looked at her.

"I'm not nosy I just like finding things out." I said with a shrug.

"See nosy." Wednesday said making me scoff. "That's when I stumbled upon Friday being thrown into the tree then the attack." She continued on as I pulled out another lollipop.

"Then what happened?" The Sheriff asked her.

"Then I ran into Bianca Barclay, and I told her to go for help." Wednesday continued on with what happened.

"What do you remember Ms Addams 2?" Sheriff asked looking around Wednesday to me.

He saw me opening another lollipop.

"I followed the noise with Wednesday behind me just to get thrown into a tree. Next I remember, I was awaking in my dorm." I said with a shrug. "You know the rest." I said gesturing to the back of my head.

"Yeah you having a seizure." He said making me look at Wednesday.

"I did?" I asked with a raised eye brow. "Don't tell mother or father this." I told Wednesday making her nod.

"And just to be clear, this monster wasn't a bear or some other wild animal?" The Sheriff asked making me scoff.

"We've hibernated with grizzlies. I know the difference." Me and Wednesday said at the same time.

"Thank you, Sheriff." Principle Weems said making me look at her. "I think Miss Addams and Miss Addams 2 is done now." She added on making me look at her.

"Actually, I would like to speak to Sheriff Galpin. Alone." Wednesday said making Principle Weems get up.

"I'm not sure I can allow that." Principle Weems said making me scoff.

"I'm sure I could take them to the station and get a formal statement." The Sheriff told her.

"Yeah, let's go." Wednesday said making Principle Weems sigh.

"Wait am I Miss Addams 2?" I asked Sheriff who looked at me. "Not important got it. I'll find out later." I said with a nod.

"You have five minutes, and everything is off the record." Principle Weems told him. "Play nice... or I will call the mayor." She added before leaving.

"Someone is trying to cover up Rowan's murder." Wednesday told him as soon as the door closed.

"That's the only reason to scrub the crime scene." I added on sitting on Principle Weems desk.

"Is that your professional opinion as the daughters of a murderer?" Sheriff asked looking at us both as I scoffed.

"My father's twice the man you are, and the only thing he murders is the occasional opera in the shower." Me and Wednesday told him at the same time.

"It's been a long night. I'm tired of your games." He said getting up from the chair.

"We're not playing games." Wednesday told him before I continued.

"We're telling the truth." I continued on for her

"You want to reject my claims but you can't." Wednesday told him cro her arms over chest.

"Why is that?" Sheriff asked with a smirk.

"Because you and I both know there's a monster out there." Wednesday said making me look at her.

"And me." I said making them look at me. "What?" I asked them confused. "Rowan is his latest victim." I said before the door opened.

"Sheriff?" Rosa asked opening the door.

"Rosa?" I asked making her look at me. "You got old." I said making Wednesday smack my knee. "I was only saying." I said with a shrug.

"You're gonna want to see this." Rosa said opening the door more.

"Bitch is back from the dead." I said seeing Rowan. "Tell me your ways." I demanded making the Sheriff look at me. "What it could be useful." I said with a shrug.

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