Day 1: You're character receives a threatening letter.

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Geneviève was calm. She had just stepped out of the shower, feeling more refreshed than she had ever felt in her entire 28 years, two months, three days, nine hours, six minutes, five seconds and 22.16 miliseconds of life.

It had been a long day, her boss, Noah, nearly went bat shit crazy, she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her with her best friend, Larisa, and to top it all off, she found out she was pregnant.

With her boyfriends baby.

Obviously, she knew she couldn't get angry at the baby, but she thought that if she'd told her boyfriend that she was pregnant, especially that the baby was his, he'd demand her to get rid of it.

She didn't want that, no. She saw what it had done to her mother, when the older woman had to get rid of it for health purposes. She had been devastated for weeks.

The images of her mothers tear-stricken and sunken-in face was enough for her heart to sink into her stomach.

Hopefully her boss would understand and let her keep her job. Her thoughts came to a halt when she heard the distinctive tap of a small rock hit her window.

Glancing at the glass wearily, she tip-toed towards the pink painted window pane and glanced downwards. She saw nothing and this time there was a knock, it sounded almost shy and timid, on her front door.

She jumped when she heard it. It was slow, a singular soft knock followed by another, two seconds later. She stood frozen in her place, her heart beat frantic and pounding against her ribcage almost so violent that she thought it would crack one, as she tried to think about what to do.

Should she get her bat?  Her hockey stick? A kitchen knife? Do it Rapunzel style and get a pan and knock the shit out of anyone that showed up at her front door?

Maybe smother whoever it was that was at her front door with her smelly, stinky socks that she wore twice because she forgot to wash them the day before?

She let out a squeak when another pebble bounced off of her window. She looked outside, but again, she didn't see anything or anyone.

Letting out a shakey sigh, she walked out her bedroom door, down the hall stopping at the top of the staircase and stared down it, where she could see the front door clearly.

It was as if the person knew she was there, standing at the top of the stairs staring down at the door, and they let their knuckles tap against the wood once more.

She let out another breath, and descended the staircase, the wooden boards creaking every time she put her full weight down on it. She froze when she heard a growl, one that came from deep in the chest, realising it was from outside.

She let out a quiet whimper, walking down the rest of the staircase. Don't fall bitch. She told herself. Yeah, definitely don't want to walk around in a cast again. That wasn't fun, at all, yet her friends liked to tease her about it.

Especially because she only tripped down three steps. Those bitches could go fall down a flight of stairs.

When she stole a glance out the peeping-hole, she didn't see anyone. Only the lone street lamp that liked to flicker on and off every time she tried to go out at night.

"I guess it's better to get it over and done with, sooner than later." She muttered to herself, and like the stupid bitch she was, she opened the door with nothing to protect herself it was a murderer.

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