Toad placed his clammy yet warm palm against the warm bricks on the castle walls, trying to calm himself. Relax, he thought. It can't be that bad, right?

But he, just like everybody else had heard the stories. Mario was due to be here any minute, and Toad was positively dreading the encounter.

Many in the mushroom kingdom idolised the man, but mostly the rich. Toad had worked in the scullery of Peach's castle for a while now, and he had heard the stories about the red plumber from his friends, and most of them were far from pleasant.

One of the cleaners had even reported that his missing front tooth was caused by Mario throwing him at the wall. Toad had laughed then, as he hadn't been that cleaners biggest fan, but now he regretted it as he stood in the warm castle, waiting for Mario's imminent arrival.

Toad felt extremely sticky as the sweat seeped through his clothing. Who in their right mind would make a moat out of lava instead of water?

No wonder most of the koopa troopas that lived here had turned into dry bones. Toad remembered playing around the castle moat with his friends as a kid, before getting angrily shooed away by Toadsworth, the princesses advisor. Why wouldn't the koopas do the same?

Toad could here him now. That irritatingly smug Italian accent, taunting Bowser. Toad understood why Bowser constantly stole Mario's girl. If Mario had talked to Toad like that, he would've done the same.

But would he? Toad was timid, and small for his age, and most of what he said reflected that. He always felt that he had to talk big to make up for his height.

"What's with the existential crisis?"Toad muttered to himself, gritted his teeth.

The young man tried to clear his mind, but to no avail. He knew it was unprofessional to sit on the floor, and he had been strictly advised not to, as the people who had sent him here told him that it would offend Mario, but he did so anyway.

Mario would probably be more offended if Toad was lying on the floor, passed out from a mix of anxiety and heatstroke.

So Toad just sat there, trying not to vomit, pass out, or both, when Mario barricaded through the door. Toad gasped.

Mario watched him, an amused expression on his face as he tried to get up. Toad was so nervous that his legs had went to jelly. His face burned a crimson red. What was Mario going to do to him.

"I'm so sorry!"Toad screeched as he eventually stopped bothering to attempt to get up.

Mario chuckled and said nothing as he walked over to Toad. Toad's heartbeat quickened, and his head started spinning. Was this his last day on earth? Toad hated his life as much as the next person, but he didn't want to die at the hands of Mario. Imagine if the others at work found out? How embarrassing!

Mario extended a hand towards Toad. Toad flinched away from it expecting a slap, but Mario just facepalmed, a small smile visible on his face. Toad shrugged and then hesitantly high-fived Mario.

Mario couldn't hold in his laughter any longer. Toad watched in confusion as the red plumber laughed. Why was he laughing? This wasn't how people described him. Maybe he found it funny to hurt people. Maybe he was a sadist!

Eventually, Mario calmed down enough to extend his arm towards Toad again and say,"I was trying to help you get up."

"Oh,"Toad blushed again as he grabbed his hand and hoisted himself up. "My deepest apologies."

Maybe trying to be formal would help? Toad wasn't sure, but it certainly couldn't hurt.

He stood up, staring at Mario for a few seconds. He was much better looking in person. Toad was quite short for his age, so even the 5"1 plumber was tall to him.

Oh no! He was so carried away with embarrassment that he forgot to say his line!

"Uh, I'm sorry Mario, but your princess is in another castle!"Toad squeaked, cringing at himself.

He braced himself for impact, but Mario's reaction wasn't violent at all. Quite the opposite, actually.

"I don't think you understand,"Mario grinned. "You are my princess."

you are my princess, toadWhere stories live. Discover now