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we left our dorm and headed towards our next lesson which was DADA, Professor Moody had planned a different lesson for us. When we entered the classroom we were a few minutes late, but no body seemed to notice.

I scanned the room with a look of confusion plastered on my face, the desks and chairs had all been moved to the outskirts of the room and in the middle was a long platform. I continued to scan the room realizing there were more people in the room than usual, I looked to Draco who looked just as confused as me. "What's going on?" Draco asked me, "I don't know i got here the same time as you" i sarcastically replied.

We made our way over to Blaise and Matteo who both seemed to have an annoyed look plastered on their faces. "What's the matter with you two?" Draco commented. Matteo didn't break his eye contact from where he was staring. "Professor Moody thought it would be a good idea if we practiced our skills, so todays lesson we'll be dueling" he sighed. "oh so just like second year then?" Draco smirked raising his brows.

"Basically yeah" Blaise cut in "except this time, we'll be doing it against the durmstrang students" he said, earning an annoyed sigh from matteo. I felt the blood in my veins run cold, i decided to look where matteo was looking, i already knew who he was looking at, i just had to see it for myself. I made eye contact with Axel, a twisted grin appearing on his lips. I shuddered before looking back to matteo, a panicked look in my eyes.

"Don't worry Del, just stay with us, he won't try anything in a room full of people" Blaise spoke, rubbing my arm gently. I knew he was right, that Axel was to much of a coward to do anything with everyone watching. I took a deep breath and turned to face moody as he began to talk.

"As of now i have taught you countless spells to aid you in dueling, today we will be applying those spells" he chuckled. "Can i have a volunteer for the first round?" he asked. There was silence, everyone started to look around awkwardly, suddenly i heard a familiar voice. "I'll do it!" Goyle sniggered, "only if i can get some house points tho" he shouted over to moody. "Very well my boy" he said holding his hands up as if he was surrendering.

All he needed now was someone to duel against, I looked over to the durmstrang boys and my eyes met Victors, he smiled at me before waving, taking a step forward and volunteering himself to duel. I started to laugh at the sudden realization that Goyle was about to get the beating of his life. The classroom was quite and so he heard me laughing. "What so funny you stupid mudblood" Goyle snapped at me. "Oh nothing, just can't wait to see victor send you to the hospital wing that's all" I started to giggle, glaring at him.

This caused victor to chuckle, "you know me to well little one" he smirked at me, i watch as draco rolled his eyes, Goyle gulped, clearly he hadn't thought it through. I watched as they both walked up to the platform, wands in hands.

Goyle tried to throw the first spell but it was quickly deflected by Victor, he smirked before flinging 3 back at him, sending Goyle straight on his arse. Never the less he climbed back up to his feet and attempted to throw some more at Victor. I knew Victor, he could easily beat goyle with his eyes closed. Victor simply flicked his wand and sent Goyle flying against the wall. Goyle started shouting about his arm, I started to laugh as crabbe had to help him up and escort him to madam pomfrey.

"Miss Rain, seeing as you find this so amusing, you will be the second person to duel" Moody boomed, a small smirk spreading across his face. I knew moody had it in for me, he always did from the beginning. I felt a small grasp of my hand and looked to see Draco, his eyes secretly begging me not to agree, however i wasn't scared of a little duel.

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