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The next week:
it was now the day before the yule ball, i had settled into my dorm quite nicely, i had the guys over a few times including adrian, we had all become good friends even tho he wasn't in any of our classes, there had been a quidditch game in which all of my friends played, it was Slytherin vs gryfindor, i sat with hermione and ron and cheered for both teams, inevitably gryfindor won, of course i felt bad for the guys, but i was also happy harry had won.

we had finished all our lessons for the day and so we were all sat in the common room talking, "so Blaise did you ask luna to the ball then or not?" i said teasingly, i loved luna, she was sweet and kind and she complimented Blaise nicely. "How did you know i was going to ask her?" He said raising his brow. "come on now, your my best friend you think i can't tell when you like someone?" i chuckled, he rolled his eyes before answering the question. "Yes i did ask her and we are going together" he said smirking. The boys all started wolf whistling and making silly comments.

"What about you Del, any lucky guy taking you?" he said nudging me, i actually hadn't told anybody that Matteo was taking me, i felt my palms begin to sweat, Draco had now leaned forward in his seat, listening to the conversation intently. "i.. uh" i began, not knowing what to say. "Actually she's going with me" Matteo smirked. I awkwardly shrunk back into the sofa, "really?" Draco snapped. "Yes" Matteo replied smirking at him. "I wasn't talking to you" he sneered at him. "Well yeah he asked me last week, no one else asked me so?" i said, rolling my eyes. Draco let out a little chuckle before leaning back into the sofa.

I watched as Adrian looked at the time, "it's dinner time in like 10 minutes so i'm gonna head down, anyone care to join me?" he asked. "I need to grab something from my dorm" Matteo said standing up, "sure i'm ready to get out of here" I said, looking at him. I got up of my seat and walked over to him, I turned to the other boys, "are you coming now or do you want us to save you guys seats?" I asked, looking between the boys. "save us seats i have something i need to do quickly" Blaise said, standing up. I agreed and waved goodbye and with that me and Adrian walked out of the common room.

Draco's POV:
As soon as she left I got up and went after Matteo, i barged into his room before slamming the door shut. "I don't know what fucking game your playing Matteo but you better start explaining" I seethed through my teeth. Matteo looked up from what he was doing to face me. "What?" he snapped. "Why the fuck are you taking her?" I snapped back. "Well Draco, considering your taking Pansy i don't see why you really care to be honest" he smirked at me.

How the fuck did he know i was taking her, i didn't tell anyone, not even crabbe and goyle, unless pansy had said something to him, but then again, they never really spoke anymore. "How do you know that?" I questioned him. "Delilah told me" he shrugged, facing his back to me and continuing with what he was doing before i came in. "What?" I asked, i was shocked that she knew. "Pansy came into her dorm squealing about it after you asked her, she told me when she stayed in my dorm" he said, i could hear the smirk he was making in his voice, i didn't even have to see his face.

"You know Draco, if you like her, you should go for it, before it's to late, i'm becoming pretty fond of her" He said, putting down the last folded cloth onto his bed. I didn't say anything, instead i huffed, turned around and walked out of the room. Of course i liked her, i couldn't really hide it anymore, my jealousy issues were becoming more prominent, especially since Matteo and Adrian were now on her as well. I needed to find her and tell her to not go with Matteo, but what excuse could i use, i'd already asked Pansy i would've had to go with her either way.

I marched myself down to the Great hall, as i was walking in i saw Delilah running out of the hall looking panicked. I looked over to our usual spot and noticed she had sat next to Adrian, and Axel was walking away from the situation. I went over to Adrian and grabbed him by the arm before dragging him out of the hall. "what the fuck happened" I said, pushing him slightly. "I don't know, one minute we were sat down, then some guy came and sat next to her and after a minute or so she got up and ran out" he said shrugging, "where did she go?" he continued. "Just shut up i'll find her you go back to eating" I huffed.

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