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The time had come for our detention, it was now 4pm. We walked into the classroom and sat down at a desk in the front row, next to each other. Professor Snape had his back facing us. "Miss Rain, Mister Malfoy, i hope you both understand why you are here" he began. "I have no idea of the activities they allowed you to get away with at durmstrang, but we do not tolerate truancy at hogwarts Miss Rain, is that clear?" he said in a monotone voice. "Yes sir" i quietly spoke.

"And as your you Mister Malfoy. Shouting at another student, destroying my glass vials and jars, and walking out of lesson is not acceptable. I hope nothing like this will ever happen again. Do i make myself clear?" he said, slightly raising his voice at the unbothered Malfoy. Blaise didn't mention any of that, i needed to ask Malfoy about it but now wasn't the right time. Draco didn't reply, he just sat there looking bored. I nudged him, i really didn't want detention to drag today. Draco gave me a side eye and i signaled for him so say something, he rolled his eyes and look to snape who still had his back to us. "Yes sir" he finally spat out.

"Good, now when i come back i want my ingredients cupboard organized in the correct order and placement. You have 1 hour, if it is not complete in this time then you shall come back another day and finish it." He said, now facing us. It was silent for a few seconds before he stomped out of the room, closing the door behind him. I let out my breath i didn't know i was holding in, i was relieved he was gone. I don't mind organizing things, i usually keep all my books and notes organized in my room.

I sighed and made my way over to the cabinet. I went to grab one of the glass jars to get started when Draco took it out of my hand and raised it in the air, out of my reach. "Give it back draco!" i demanded. "ah ah ah not till we talk Rain" he said smirking. "But Draco" i pleaded. "No Rain those eyes don't work on me, now sit, the sooner we talk the sooner we can do this" he said. I knew he was right, and i would have had to talk to him at some point. So i strolled out of the cupboard and took a seat on one of the desks.

"So what do u wanna talk about" i asked innocently. "don't pretend like you don't know" he chucked. "But on a serious note, did Flint hurt you? He looked like he grabbed your wrist pretty hard" he asked, softening his eyes. "No not really, he just shocked me that's all, but hurt me? no" I answered honestly. "Good, by the way, what you said back to him was hilarious, your more of a slytherin than you think" he joked. If i'm being honest, what he said didn't offend me. I know what i'm capable of, when i want to be evil i can be, but usually, no.

It took a while to organize the cupboard, but me and draco managed to get it done just as Professor Snape walked back through the doors. "I hope you two managed to get it done and weren't messing around the whole lesson" he raised an eyebrow. "No sir we finished it" I said smiling slightly. "Very well, you both may go" he said before sitting down at his desk, with that me and Draco both rushed out of the classroom.

It was now 5pm and I had an hour to kill before dinner, I decided i would try to find the golden trio as i hadn't seen them in a while. I told Draco that i was going to do something else, i didn't tell him what, i didn't really think it was much of his business. Of course he had his suspicions, but oh well.

I raced down all the corridors looking for them, i couldn't seem to find them anywhere. Out of the corner of my eye i saw the same boy i had seen in Herbology, i think his name was Neville. He was in the same house as them, so i thought maybe he could help me. I walked over to him and stopped right in front of him. He had his nose in a book about plants, it was rather sweet if i'm being honest.

"Neville is it?" I asked him, this caused him to jump and his book went flying in the air and onto the floor. I quickly bent down to pick it up for him. "Yes that's me, and your Delilah aren't you? we have herbology together" he said smiling. "Yes that's me" i smiled, "have you seen harry, hermione or ron anywhere? i've been looking all over for them but i can't seem to find them" i said. "Yeah harry's in the dorm, not sure about the other two, do you want to come with me so you can get him?" he asked. "Yes please that would be great" i beamed.

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