Chapter 25: Fierce Battle

Start from the beginning

"No way! I didn't know you had that!" Akia exclaimed.

Jounouchi looked at Mai with a confused face, "Heavy Storm?"

Mai sighed, "Don't tell me you never heard of it. It's a rare card that most duelists dream of having. It's very similar to Harpy's Feather Duster. It's a spell card that destroys all spell and trap cards on the field."

Just as Mai said, Akia's two facedown cards are destroyed and sent to the field.

"Great... He destroyed my Sakuretsu Armour and my D.D. Dynamite," Akia pouted. She was planning on using the same strategy that she used against Keith, but Yugi outsmarted her.

"I knew you'd be more of a challenge if I didn't use my most powerful cards in this duel. I'll place a monster in defence position and place a card facedown. I end my turn," the Spirit of the Puzzle concluded.

"I draw. I use the spell card: Graceful Charity. This card allows me to draw three cards, then discard two cards," Akia was hoping that, in those three cards she would draw, that one of the Banishers would be there. Sure enough, she finally ended up drawing the Banisher of the Light. Her face then instantly lit up. "Lucky! I'll summon my Banisher of the Light (100/2000) in defence position! I'll also place a card facedown. Then, I'll activate the spell card: Nobleman of Crossout. This spell card allows me to destroy a facedown monster and remove it from play! I choose your facedown monster!"

Yugi's monster, Sangan (1000/600) is destroyed and removed from play. As a result of its destruction, Yugi lost half its attack points, 500 points, from his Life Points. This brought them down to 1500 points.

"Nicely done," Yami Yugi complimented her.

"You still haven't seen what I've got planned for you. I end my turn for now," Akia replied playfully.

Yugi smirked. He was thoroughly enjoying this duel. Even after observing Akia play for so long from her brother's point of view, she was still unpredictable.

"I draw. I'll summon Curse of Dragon (2000/1500)! I'll then end my turn," Akia's opponent concluded.

Since Curse of Dragon's attack was the same as the Banisher of the Light's defence, Yugi didn't attack.

"My turn; I draw. I'll summon my D.D. Warrior (1200/1000) in attack position!" The black-haired girl started her turn and then thought about her next move. "This will be risky... But I have to get rid of his Curse of Dragon before he can power it up."

"I'll attack your Curse of Dragon with my D.D. Warrior!" Akia proceeded.

"What?! Her monster is so much weaker than Yugi's! Is she losing it?" Jounouchi exclaimed.

"Didn't that card of hers have a special effect? I'm sure Akia is thinking smartly about this," Bakura noted. The Spirit of the Ring, watching from his host's subconsciousness, just couldn't help but root for Akia's victory.

Just as Akia's D.D. Warrior was about to clash, Yugi reached for his facedown, "I know what you're up to, and I won't let you. I use my trap card: Spellbinding Circle!"

A ritual-like circle envelops Akia's monster and immobilizes it.

"No...!" Akia exclaimed. She had a feeling that the facedown card that Yugi had was important, but she chose to ignore her instincts and attack. If she had something in her hand, she would've destroyed that facedown first, but she didn't have any card that would help. She also didn't want to risk waiting, in case Yugi got a card that was strong enough to destroy her Banisher.

"You were planning on removing my monster from play, along with your monster. You didn't mind taking a bit of damage, as long as you got my Curse of Dragon. This rashness led to your undoing. Now, your D.D. Warrior is immobilized. It can't attack, or change its battle position. In addition to this, it loses 700 attack points, bringing them down to 500," the Puzzle's Spirit explained.

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