If my body could speak

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We all know how the society treats one who doesn't fit into "beauty standard".

Lily is a big girl who's insecure about every single part of her body.
She was 13. She was getting ready for her family reunion night. She is super excited as she can meet her cousins and have fun with them.

[It's time to get ready]
Lily asked herself "what should I wear tonight?"
Lily talked to herself: " Nothing is gonna look good on my body anyways. I wish I had my sister's body, she don't have to worry about anything. Her body literally fits into any type of clothes perfectly......"

While she was digging up her closet, she saw a dress she bought months ago.

She wore it and stared at the mirror for some time trying to gain the confidence tor put it on for the family reunion later.
"Do I really look good in this dress?"

[30 minutes passed, girl is still wondering if she should wear it]
"Maybe I should just wear it, there's only gonna have my family members. No one's gonna judge me"

Lily decided to show it to her favourite people first, her mom and her dad.

Lily: "Mummy, what do you think? Do I look good in this dress?"
Her mom: " Oh my god, you look really beautiful my dear. Is there any day that you didn't look good? You're always stunning baby"

Her dad who was getting ready heard their conversation and decided to come out of his room and take a look.

[He looked at her up and down for a few seconds]
"Lily, go and change your dress." He said coldly with any expression on his face.
Lily's smile faded away......

" But dad what's wrong with dress, it's not short and it's not too tight either."
Lily's dad: " Huh...... Did you even look in the mirror before you come out of your room?"

" Did you even realise how fat you are? This dress doesn't suit you, just go and change it"

Lily's heart just shattered into pieces, she just stoned right there. She has a lot to say but not a single word come out of her mouth.

Tears started rolling down her cheeks.
He didn't realize how much her words have hurt her. She took half an hour to gain the confidence to wear that dress and he just broke her heart in seconds.

Before her mom could say anything she just ran into her room crying.

" Why? Why it's always me? I can't even wear a dress peacefully"
" Is it a crime to be fat? It's not like I wanted to be like this. You're the one who always feed me even though I said I'm full. You're the who buys me food even if I don't ask.

You think the child is cute when it's fat and chubby. But when the child grow up, it's ugly to you.
Sometimes......I just wanna die peacefully
would you guys still criticize me if I'm dead.

She has a lot to say but she has no courage to do it......

That's for part 2..... I still need to improve my skills, trying my best tho🙃
I'm not sure if it's good do let me know if there's anything you guys wanna see or anything I can improve~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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