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Here are the rules you need to follow, your entry will not be accepted unless you have followed them:


•Give me (JadeSapphireRuby) a follow so you get a notification when I announce things on my message board

•Follow your judge(s) when they are announced

•Add this book to your reading list and library so you can receive notifications when I update

•Give this book a shoutout on your profile so we can attract more participants and judges

•Your book must be in English

•Your book must have less then 9K reads and have more then 5 chapters

•You can enter a maximum of 3 books (Not including Special Categories)

•No bribing judges. If I am told by a judge you tried to bribe them, you will be immediately disqualified

•No negativity or hate, or you will be banned from this and future GemStone Book Awards

I will be checking to make sure these rules are followed


•Give me (JadeSapphireRuby) a follow so you get a notification when I announce things on my message board.

•Add this book to your reading list and library so you can receive notifications when I update

•Give this book a shoutout on your profile so we can attract more participants and judges

•You can judge a maximum of 3 categories. If you have a preference of which genres, please add it in your form and I will get back to you

•You can judge and participate, but you cannot judge the same category your book(s) is in

•Please start judging as soon as all spots in your category are full. You will be given at least a month to do it. If you need more/less time please DM me

•When you have judged all of the books, please DM me the results with the judging rubric

•Do not accept bribes from participants. If a participant tries to bribe you, please tell me immediately and they will be disqualified

Please DM me if you have any questions

The GemStone Book Awards 2024Where stories live. Discover now