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    Josephine was panicking. The art show was about to open, and she hadn't seen her mother anywhere. She scrambles over to Josh and her father who are standing by the snack table, desperately asking (once again) if they have heard from Ramona. Eugenio responded with a shake of his head, promising to give her another call. While Eugenio stepped aside, Josh took to console Joey. "Hey, she'll come. Don't worry about it, she'll show."

    She rubbed her face with her palms, "yeah, yeah, I just... you know it's a pretty big deal for me 'cause I spent the whole year painting a portrait of her and she's not even here to see it and–" Josh shushed her, "shhh take some deep breaths and try to relax. She knows how important this is for you. She'll be here." Joey nodded her head, reaching out to hold Josh's hand. He smoothed his thumb in circles over her skin, sending her a message of comfort.

    The doors to the library opened, revealing the various art pieces featured around the room. The art club stayed after school for days setting everything up and getting everything ready. Jo, as the art club president, set up each section for all the different types of art and mediums. The whole setup was perfectly organized and showcased everything that the art club members had been working on over the entire school year. Josh wrapped his arm around Joey's waist, letting her lead the way through the exhibit; Eugenio and the kids following behind.

    "Joey where's you're painting of Ma?" Ruby asked. They had been through most of the exhibition, but Joey had avoided any of the painting sections. "Oh, it's over there in the portrait area, but I don't really want to show you guys just yet. I want you guys to see mom's reaction too. Pa, has mom called you back?"

"Si, she said she'd be here in 20 minutes, but that was 30 minutes ago. I'm sure she's around here somewhere. I'll call her"

    Joey's eyes went wide. "She's here? But I need to show her around I need to see her reaction to my painting." A million thoughts went through her mind. Is she even here? Why didn't she call and let me know she came? What if she already saw the painting and I didn't see her reaction? Does she even know where the library is? She probably saw it and hated it. Where are you, Mom?

Joshua noticed her worried look. She began biting at her bottom lip and picking at her nails as she looked frantically around her, hoping to spot her mom in the quiet crowd. He reached out to put his hands on her shoulders, slowly rubbing them to ease her mind. "I just wanted this to be perfect, J. How did it get so fucked up?" She whispered to him, leaning back into his touch. He sighed, "I dunno, love. I'm sorry this didn't turn out how you wanted."

    Eugenio comes back, saying that Ramona had shown up, saw the painting, and left. Joey's heart crumbles. She had a feeling deep down that her mother wouldn't appreciate the portrait, and completely ruin this day, and she lived up to those expectations. Jo was just hoping she wouldn't. Her eyes welled up in tears. She forced a smile at her father before he opened up his arms to her. The moment she saw the remorse on her dad's face was when she finally let the tears fall down her face. Running into her fathers arms, she felt like a child again. Crying for her dad to make it all better.

    He gently rubs his hand down his daughters hair, "Lo sé, mi cíelo. Lo sé."

The rest of the night went seemly. Everyone knew not to mention a word about Ramona for the rest of the day, knowing it would just continue to ruin Joey's day. So, the family (excluding Ramona but including Josh) continued as if nothing was wrong for Jo's sake.

Amazingly, Joey was awarded with the department's senior award and scholarship of 10,000 dollars, earning a loud cheer from her supportive unit as she went up to accept her award. In that moment as she shook hands with the school board, she felt so proud of herself and the work she put into her art. She knew it wasn't going to be a career but she used it as an outlet for her creativity.

    When they had arrived to the house Josh and Joey stayed back. They watched as everyone filed inside, taking a seat on the porch swing in front of the house. He laced their fingers together as she spoke, "I don't think I'm ready to go in there."

    He nodded, bringing their hands up to his lips and placing a chaste kiss onto the back of her hand. "I know, but we can't be out here forever. Just know I'll stay out here until you are ready to talk to her." As he was finishing his sentence the front door opened. Ramona stood at the doorway.

    "Yosh, could you give us a moment?" He nodded, unraveling his hand from Josephine's sending her a tight smile.

    It took a few moments after Josh went inside before Ramona sat down with her daughter. Josephine didn't want to be the one to break the silence, too embarrassed from the way today panned out. Ramona placed her hand onto Josephine's thigh. "Mi amor, tu sabes los sacrificios que tu padre e yo hicimos para ustedes." Josephine was nervous. She knew her mom was serious when she only spoke in Spanish, knowing it was the best language for her to express herself in.

    "Hoy, cuando vi tu pintura, sentí un gran orgullo. Nunca en mi vida me ha visto en esa manera; tan fuerte, tan poderosa. Me vi a mi misma por tus ojos. Mi niña," she leaned into her daughter, reaching out to touch her face. Jo's eyes clouded in tears, lips quivering. "Tan inteligente, talentosa, y independiente. I see you, mi cielo. Abriste mis ojos."

"Mami," she looked into her mothers eyes, tears running down the sides of her face. She had never seen her mother cry in all the life. It felt like a walk had been broken down. "eres mi inspiración. Y cada día pienso en lo has sufrido por mi. Sin ti sería nada."

    She embraced her mom. Not knowing the last time she had been cradled in her mothers arms. The two of the them sobbing. Josephine felt herself forgive her mom for all the fights and tough love, knowing that her mom felt just as sorry as she did in this moment. With both sides forgiven, the two could finally have the relationship they've been dreaming of having with equal respect.

y'all ik it's been a year like just forgive me and move on pls !

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y'all ik it's been a year like just forgive me and move on pls !

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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