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"Holy shit, what the hell is going on in my comments," was the first things Joey said to Josh. She was buckling the seatbelt on in Josh's passenger seat. Josh's friendly grin slightly fell, "I honestly have no fucking idea."

"It's all so messy," she blew out a piece of hair from her face. "I mean, yeah, I told Frankie about how Auggie and Anna are, but I still love them endlessly!" She was becoming exasperated, and a little annoyed. She wasn't expecting Frankie to just put her feelings for how her friends treat her. Jo doesn't even want them acknowledge it. She has yet to tell Josh about Auggie and Anna's tendency to just, not care. Or at least not show it often enough. They would constantly blow off Joey and Jack whenever they would try to make plans. Anna seemed to be the mastermind behind them. If she didn't want to go then Auggie would be forced to stay back with her.

Josh was driving to Jo's house. He assumed he could just hang out with her until they had to leave to go to Matt's. He listened as Joey talked. "Ever since they got together, they've always secluded themselves from Jack and me. It's not necessarily a bad thing, I get that they're dating and they want time together. But the fact that they always go do something when Jack and I want to do something together, as a group, is just ridiculous! They're constantly blowing us off, and they always make some kind of excuse.

"I might just be a big baby about it, but it just hurts my feelings," she let out a final sigh. Throughout her whole tangent, she hadnt looked at Josh. She was afraid that he would think she was being selfish.

Josh shook his head, "that's absolute bullshit. Literally wack!"

"Wack," Jo hyped in a soft voice. He carried on, "you should talk to them about this. If it really bothers you and Jack, you should voice your concerns."

She leaned back in the seat, "I just don't want to come of as selfish. They're two of my closest friends, I don't want them to think that I'm over exaggerating."

Josh violently shook his head, "No! That's fucking...wack! You are entitled to your feelings. You're allowed to feel like this because they sound like dicks and I would totally kill them for you." She laughed, slightly nudging him with her elbow. He smiled at the sight of her normal, cheery self. He loved it when she smiled, and seeing it made his own grow on his face.

"Thanks, J." She looked up at his side profile. He was looking at the road, but quickly turned to catch a glimpse of her. She was sending his a closed-lip smile, but it was genuine. She was really glad that Josh had helped her come to terms with her emotions. His encouragement really pushed her to talk things out with her friends. After glancing at the road, he looked down to her lap. He took his hand, and wrapped it around her own. Her face was burning, but she chose to ignore it as she twirled their fingers together.

When Josh parked on the side of the street, Jo got out immediately. "I'm literally gonna pee my pants, holy shit." He laughed while she ran inside her house. He took his time to enter, taking his shoes off at the door. Ramona passed by the door, "Joshua!" She opened her arms to embrace him. She now adored Josh and Olivia after Josephine's birthday dinner.

"Hey, Ramona." He wrapped his arms around the woman. She let go to kiss his cheek in a motherly manner, "loot at you! So handsome."

"Ma, stop babying my friend!" they heard from down the hall. Joey was making her way to them, rolling her eyes when she saw how happy her mother got at the sight of Joshua in their house.

"Aye, pero esta bien chulo! Mira lo," Josh sent her wide puppy eyes. He understood what chulo meant, he heard it often at the birthday dinner. Josephine groaned, "don't encourage her, J."

His adorable expression fell. "Fine," he huffed.

She took him by the hand and dragged Josh to her room. "We're going to Matt's hotel room later! Bye, love you!" she called out.

Ramona scoffed, "esa niña."

Jo fell down on her bed, Josh following. "I'm sorry about my mom," she mumbled quietly. Josh chuckled, "I actually kinda like it. I dunno it makes me feel loved."

She let out a hearty laugh, "just wait till she teaches you how to do ojitos." She demonstrated by blinking her eyes rapidly and pouting her bottom lip. He giggled, poking her cheek to make her stop. She joined his fit of laughter, smiling so wide that it began to hurt.

Once they calmed down, Joey sighed, "I have to go look for my One Direction swimsuit." He laughed again, watching as she stood up to rummage through her dresser.

She found it in the back of her bottom drawer, she pulled it out. It looked incredibly tinny in her grip, "you know, I feel like this won't fit me." Josh giggled when he saw how small the one-piece suit was. It was black with pink stitching. It had pink 1D symbols spewed across the fabric. It was, needless to say, adorable to Josh.

"I know I may look like I have the body of a 12-year-old girl, but I think my...bow chicka wow wow's are bigger than they were in 7th grade," she laughed uncontrollably, Josh joining a few seconds after he processed what came out of her mouth. Jo fell on her back, laying on her hardwood floor.

Josh said, trying to catch his breath, "bow chicka wow wow's!" The repetition of her words made them laugh even harder.

"I cant fucking breathe, Josh!"

He fell off the bed, causing Jo to erupt in even harder laughter. They laughed until it hurt so much that they couldn't laugh anymore. She eventually chose a different swimsuit and changed into it. She left to go change in her bathroom while Josh scrolled though his phone. She pulled some sweat pants on top of her bikini bottoms, but she forgot to bring in a shirt. She took a deep breathe before she left her bathroom to enter her bedroom. Josh instantly looked up from his phone when he heard the sound of her bathroom door opening. His eyes went wide when he saw her in her bikini top. Both of their cheeks flushed, but she quickly wrapped her arms around her torso. She felt his lingering stare as she walked to her closet to find a shirt to wear. Joey took the first thing she could grasp and threw it on as fast as she could.

Josh cleared his throat, "uh, do you, uhm. Are you hungry? We can get sometime to eat on the way to my apartment. I, uh, forgot my clothes." She nimbly nodded, tucking hair behind both of her ears.

"Can we listen to 5sos on the way?" Josh smiled, "as always."

this was just some josh and joey content but the next one is prolly gonna be of jo confronting august and anastasia cause they kinda suck and then it'll be the whole #poolparty i still need to edit because i always write and post at night so morning me is who has to deal with shit

slow // joshua t bassettOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora