Chapter 1 - Luxury

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They're laughing, all of them is what Luxury felt at this very moment, everybody staring as they all point a laugh a bit as the school bully's harass her.

"Just ew! Look at her ugly skin! god! if i was born with that i could of looked just like her!" the one in the middle said, she was clearly the "leader" of them as the two behind her started to let out a forced laugh.

"Yeah! i know! like you could of been a ugly girl like her but- your genetics are just to amazing!" the guy on her right said to her as he chuckled a bit, death glaring Luxury up and down. Luxury took a glimpse at the bullies and saw the girl on the left, she didn't look rude or mean, she looked...normal. Luxury couldn't cry and show weakness as shes used to this since she started High school. She always wondered to herself how and why everybody was so rude in High school, no one even noticed her in Middle school, only her two best friends, Josiah and Mai. They both could care less about her skin disease and treated her like everybody else.

"Why wont you respond! answer us you Two Toned freak!" the girl in the middle said, laughing a bit at her nickname 

"just leave me alone, i cant control this!" Luxury shouted back, holding back tears as she saw the girl in the back have a look in quilt as she turned to the girl in the middle 

"Mary- can we just- leave her alone for know.." She said with a look where you cant tell if shes sad or mad. Both the girl and the boy look at her with a confused look

"What did you just say to me?" the girl in the middle responded, turning around to face her
"after everything ive done for you, everything ive did for decide to give up on everything? Everything we promised?  everything we have been through?" she looked mad, she looked like she was about to kill someone, he hair looking like a scared cat. that sentence confused Luxury, what did she mean by "After everything ive done?".  Luxury took the chance to leave without causing any more disturbance as "Mary" continued to yell at the poor girl.

A few minutes later Luxury was in class with her friend, Josiah, they sat right next to each other a sometimes passed notes. Josiah passed over a note to Luxury that said "are you okay?" Luxury looked at Josiah for a second with a blank look as she started to write something down and passed it back to Josiah. He looked at her with a straight faced and nodded, he cant be surprised at this point since it happens almost everyday.

"Luxury! pay attention or you will be staying here for lunch!" Mrs.Belle, her teacher, told her as she saw her passing a note with Josiah.
"Or maybe i could move your seat! but i know you dont want that, so behave!" she said with her snobby voice 

"Yes, Mrs.Belle" Luxury said with a annoyed tone in her voice. Right before the teacher could respond the phone rang. She rolled her eyes and went over to the phone 

"Hello, this is Mrs.Belle speaking.........Yes she is here.....up ill send her right down" Mrs.Belle said as she looked at Luxury 
"Councilors" she said as Luxury stood up from her seat and got her stuff as she left the room and started to head down to the councilors. She looked back and saw Josiah had a slightly concerned face, she didn't think anything of it.

Once she got to the councilors her eyes widened and she felt her heartbeat get faster, Mary was there, she looked like she was crying. Luxury slowly started walking in and sat down on the chair next to her, looking at Mary

"do you know why you're here, Ms.Luxury?" she said

"no" her heart was beating faster

"your friend, Mary came to me saying you've been bullying her, is this true?"  Luxurys heart sank, she was not her friend, she would never be her friend, she was never her friend. Luxury stayed silent for a bit to think of a response.


"im sorry! i was thinking of something, its not true, its actually the opposite! Mary has been harassing me all year about my skin disease!" Luxury shouted back, Mary looked at her as she started to fake cry a bit 

"Luxury! i though we're friends! why would you lie about that!" Mary snapped back and looked at Luxury with a depressed look as the councilor started to go on and on about how we are both in the wring and she cant see who started what but to just make up and blah blah blah blah councilor stuff, Luxury just kind of dozed off, nodding every few seconds. 

"luxury? did you heat anything i said?" the councilor said, waving her arm at Luxury

"why would you think she ever did?  shes a total bi- bully-, sorry for my language" Mary responded with, trying to be all friendly with the councilor, i couldn't bare it. i broke. i started to cry a bit and put my hood up and the councilor sighed 

"Mary you can go know, i want to talk with Luxury in private" she said as she looked over to Mary, she nodded and left, leaving only Luxury and the councilor in the room

"whats going on? what happened?" the councilor asked, trying to sound as polite as she could. Luxury stayed silent again, looking away as she tried wiping some of the tears away 

"why cant anyone believe me! shes clearly in the wrong! shes been rude to me every since freshman year! barely anyone has noticed and when they do they just laugh, they think its funny, they think i look funny! I cant do this! its the same thing everyday! they come up, they laugh, and they leave, repeat!" Luxury's heartbeat became faster, hyperventilating a bit as the councilor just nodded 

"I see how you can find it tough- but you dont always know what people are going thro-"
"No! you dont see the problem! you cant always blame things on personal reasons! it may be a part of the problem but it cant explain everything..they make me want to just...vanish" Luxury quickly interrupted her, leaving the councilor a bit shocked. and speechless 

"you know what- just leave for know, ill call you back down in a bit- but i need to talk with Mary first." she said, Luxury felt so many emotions all at one time, she nodded, picked up her stuff, took her hood down, and left. leaving just the councilor the only one in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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