x. greek triremes

Start from the beginning

"Well, someone's got to train them not to take up the whole field," Luke made a face. "Like, where are we supposed to work?"

"We can't stick them in a pen," Raya sighed. "As easy as that would be, dad tends to get unpredictable mood swings when it comes to his cows."

Luke tapped his shoulder, allowing Loki to climb up as they walked away. "I can talk to Chiron to see if someone wants to train them to stay on one side. Hopefully, they have better luck then us. The arena?" he asked, referring to another place that they could work.

They arrived in the middle of a spar between Ares and Aphrodite. As much as the Aphrodite kids liked to tell people that they were airheads, they could fight dangerously well — even in heels. Raya had made it a personal mission to never cross one.

"That's a no," Raya muttered, walking out of the arena.

Practically everywhere they went, they faced the same problem. Either someone had claimed it for their group, or a Cabin was occupying it.

"Where the Hades are we supposed to work?" Luke groaned

Raya's gaze drifted to the forest, an idea coming to the mind. "We can work at Zeus' Fist!"


"Zeus' Fist," Raya repeated. "It's deep enough in the woods that no one will think of it off the top of their head. We'll also be surrounded by the dryads who might be willing to help us. Come on, it's perfect!"

Luke sighed, moving Loki from his shoulder and cradling the cat in his arms instead. "Alright, fine. We'd better hurry if we don't want someone else to take the spot."

"You're the best! I love you!" Raya jumped up, grabbing Luke's hand and dragging him across the forest.

They made it to the pile of rocks which looked nothing like a fist, and more like a pile of shit.

"There's no one here!" Raya cheered, setting her papers on the ground. "Ugh, fucking finally."

Luke laughed at her reaction, taking a seat in front of her. "So? How're we gonna start this? Wood? Metal? We'll need tools. I'll see if I can, uh, borrow some from the Hephaestus Cabin."

"We need to start with the blueprints first," Raya told him. "After that you can borrow tools from the Hephaestus Cabin. Just don't flirt with anyone to get them."

"Why not?" Luke grinned mischievously. "Someone jealous?"

Raya scoffed, "You wish, Castellan. It's because the last time you flirted with the Ares Cabin to get a nice sword and then never spoke to the kid again, he bothered me for a week asking about you." Raya mimicked his voice, "'Oh, have you seen Luke? I needed to talk to him. Tell him it's really important.'" She shivered. "If I have to go through that again, I will throttle you."

Luke barked a laugh, "I wasn't even flirting with him. I just asked where he got his band t-shirt from. It looked good."

Raya rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Get the tools, but no flirting. Or anything that can be interpreted as flirting."

"Aye, aye, Captain," Luke saluted.

"Shut up," she threw a pencil at him. "Get your things out. We'll start brainstorming, and then we'll move to a draft blueprint, a real blueprint, and then the building stage."

Luke took out a tinfoil ball from one of the bags, throwing it to Loki so he could play with it. "I don't understand why we can't just start building."

"Because we can't."

Luke snorted, "Can't argue with that logic."

He and Raya began brainstorming sizes, materials, shapes. They watched Loki play with his tinfoil ball, a dryad delivering him back whenever he went too far into the forest. He climbed up and down Zeus's fist, alternating between the toys Raya had brought for him.

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