2- the weathervane

Start from the beginning

"What's the story about going into the local town?" Wednesday inquires.

"Passes to Jericho is a privilege not a right. It's a short 25 minute walk, or there is a shuttle on the weekends. The locals are weary about Nevermore so just keep that in mind." She smiles. "Great talk!" She leaves quickly with nothing else but a small wave as the door closes behind her.

Wednesday walks back to her typewriter and Enid sits on her bed, putting headphones in. I sigh and climb the ladder to my room. After lying on my bed for only a moment, I drift off into sleep.


The next morning I awake to an empty room and a pounding in my head. I quickly put on my uniform. A white longsleeve with a black vest over it. As well as a black striped blazer and short black skirt. my long white socks fit up to just below my knee and are surrounded by shiny black wedges.

I run out into the hall and find a girl sitting on a bench reading. She gives me directions to the nurse. When I get there I find Wednesday talking to a boy. I immediately notice the bandage on her forehead.

She turns to me and fixes her bangs, covering the white wrap. * are you okay? * She nods.

I ask the nurse for some medicine and turn back to Wednesday who is making her way out of the room already. I give a short look at the boy she was talking to and smile before following her out.

The water cooler next to us bubbles. Wednesday gives a glance before continuing. I swear I think I see a hand..

"You go on ahead, I'll see you back in the room to get ready for therapy." I say to my sister. She nods in acknowledgement and pulls out her umbrella as she walks away.

I reach behind the cooler and pull out exactly what I thought I saw. "Thing!?" The sewn up hand sitting in mine is in fact the family hand, Thing. I lower my voice realizing how crazy I'd look if someone heard me. "What are you doing here? Are you spying on us?"

Thing signs out -Maybe-.

"You're coming with me back to the room."


A few hours later, after I'm done getting ready, Thing and I are talking. I am sitting on my sisters bed while Thing is on her desk. Wednesday walks in. She immediately spots Thing.

"Thing! Mother and Father sent you to spy on us, didn't she?" She exclaims.

Thing nods. -They're worried about you.-

"No they are not worried about me." She scoffs. "They underestimate me."

Thing turns to me for help.

"Well I don't know Wends. Mother really does care for you."

"Well either way, Thing. You have two options.. either I lock you in my drawer and you can go slowly insane trying to claw your way out, or you help us escape."

My eyes light up at the mention of escape. Now this place isn't awful but it's definitely a prison. One I don't want to be a part of.

Thing kneels down in submission. He's in.


We meet Principal Weems in the van where she transports us down to Jericho for our appointments. I am first.

"Dr. Kinbott's office is on the second floor. I'll be out here with your sister and make sure that you both stay out of trouble. Who knows maybe after we can go get some hot chocolate from the Weathervane." Weems smiles. That sounds nice!

"This attempt at bonding is beneath you Principal Weems." Wednesday says.

Disappointed, I get out of the van and up to Dr. Kinbotts office.

the empath -tyler galpin x reader-Where stories live. Discover now