She Might Just Be Crazy

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Dalish will be translated here:
Garas Quenathra = what are you doing/ here
Lethallin = someone of the male gender
Lethallan = someone of the female gender
Mi = blade
Nan = revenge/vengeance
Ranan = voice
Revas = freedom
Melana = time
El = our
Durgen'len = child of stone/dwarf
Nova's POV

I sat in the centre of a flowing stream, the cold water rushing past calmed my senses and focused my mind. The sound of the Fade around me gave me comfort unlike in the waking world. A Pride Demon stood before me, "you seem to be spending far more time here now than you did before, is something troubling you?" It asked, I just ignore it an try to focus once more. "Remember not all Demons will accept you here Dream Walker. And they don't take kindly to your silence." with that the Pride Demon vanished. "What a pain..." I mumbled, I let my mind flow with the stream and focus on the tapestry of fate, faint glowing white threads tangle themselves around my motionless body, they hang heavily on the air and form a window of such before me. I gently run my fingers over the water like glass in pacific patterns letting it ripple before showing me a young human boy among the Dalish, they accepted him as on of their own and taught him to defend himself, as he grew from a baby to child he showed determination, spirit, joy, happiness and freedom. He never thought that it would be taken from him.

I watched as the young child became curious about the strange movements from the bushes, I watched as he was shot in the arm with a paralysing arrow and I watched the horror in his eyes as he heard his tribe being slaughtered behind him.

I did not feel sad for the boy, for it was not my nature to be sympathetic. He lost his family twice, but one gave him away, the other was forcibly taken from him. The dwarf that shot him looked sadden by his actions, like he did not wish to do the things he did. There were others but they were not clear, unlike the dwarf, short orangey red hair, half pulled up into a pony-tail. defining features and a well crafted crossbow, Varric, that is the name of the dwarf that shot the boy in the arm.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, snapping me from the trance-like state I was in. I swung my bladed staff, stopping just before I beheaded the fool when I open my eyes to meet black and white irises. His face was expressionless but his eyes were widened with fear, well, I nearly beheaded him.

I raise an eyebrow at him, not moving my blade from his throat. "Da'len, lower your weapon. There is no need for blood to be shed." the Keeper stated, I quickly remove my blade and shove him backwards, out of my space. "Garas Quenathra?" "He has come to seek our guidance, Lethallan." I stare down the human. "Use your Ranan Lethallin, what do you have to say for yourself, why do you waste El Melana?" He looked away from my cold stare, "I seek the man who murdered my family, my tribe." his voice spoke with such certainty but his eyes showed doubt. "You wish to find the Durgen'len? The dwarf? You wish Nan of those who took from you, then you shall be hunting more than just the stone child." He looked up and meet my stare, "there was more than one?" His voice now like ice. "I could not see their faces but yes, there was more than one Durgen'len. But the one you are seeking felt shame for what he has done."

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