2 | Emile

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It was strange that I would wake up, knowing that I was still asleep, as if my very essence lay dormant. My consciousness revealed itself to me through a surreal film, a spectator watching their own body governed by some unseen puppeteer.

Slowly, bits of ethereal glass emerged from the wispy darkness that I found myself confined in. The blackness of my surroundings no longer seemed like a strange abyss, but rather a shadowy curtain peeled back when the glimmering set of steps unveiled itself. 

Each a simple flat pane of sparkling glass, the staircase descended only a few steps, but once I took that step down, another revealed itself. This pattern repeated itself a multitude of times, to the point where I felt like this was a peculiar trick played in my head, to doom me to roam an eternal staircase. But still, I travelled downward, until finally, out of the darkness, boulders of stone cobbled together to form a large, hefty door. Yet, as the stones pieced together, they fit seamlessly, erasing any trace that they may had been put together from separate components just prior.

When I walked towards the door, the steps behind me vanished, and I was left with nothing but the resting gateway in front of me. I figured there was no other direction to go—no other thing to do—than to proceed forth, so I pushed open the heavy stone door.

At first, I only saw a glimmer of light beyond the gateway, but as the door opened fully, that light flashed brighter and brighter until the surrounding darkness peeled away into a sky-like azure. Strange enough, clouds drifted by overhead, and the floor, now finally tangible, was nothing but a reflective mirror, paralleling the above world with perfect clarity.

For a moment, I was breathless, suddenly finding myself in such a dreamlike atmosphere, paralyzed in place. But control jolted back into me once I resumed my composure, and I put a leg forth, noticing the water-like ripples beneath as I did so.

"So you're the one that Noir chose."

The unexpected voice snatched my attention, and I whipped my body back to face from where it came.

Before me silently stood a tall figure, even taller than me, with deep blue hair that hung down from his head. A golden earring in the shape of two diamonds adorned both ears, which dangled slightly as he moved his head.

But more strikingly, was his apparel—a long, sleek overcoat that was split with a pure white and black, its edges encrusted with a shiny gold. Various gems of blues and purples dotted his outfit, and, in similar color, an indigo blade rested by his side, curved and elegant, its handguard and hilt sporting the same black and white fashion of his clothes. A surprising feature of it, however, was how the blade seemed to glow, waves of indigo breathing in and out, akin to the tides of the ocean.

Perhaps he gave me time for his appearance to sink in because it was only after a momentary pause did he begin to speak.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Emile." A small navy cat with its tail forked into two jumped onto his shoulder. "And this is Noir."

I had the urge to immediately inquire about the state of my surroundings, but upon seeing his patient smile, I withheld it and resolved to let him continue.

"I will make this quick because I'm sure you have many questions. Are you familiar with the Star Guardians?"

"I know of them. So called cosmic defenders, right? We have a statue of one in my city."

Emile closed his eyes and hummed. Noir seemingly mimicked that motion and purred similarly.

"You must be talking about Lux right? I've heard about it from passing stars."

I was never too involved in the Star Guardian culture, but the city practically worships their existence, to the point where I at least know some of their names.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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