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This chapter switched between POVs

This is canon but not mentioned in the main book

Lucian's POV

I swore as my target ran. Fucking idiot. In no time I caught up with him. My knife drove into his neck.
That felt fucking good.

I yanked out the knife and wiped the blood off on my sleeve. I chuckled before walking back out to my bike. But I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw my bike. The painted tiara on the side making me think of Emily.

Fuck. I hated myself when I killed someone. I bet Emily fucking hated me too. I pray to whatever higher power that Dorian doesn't inherit this trait.

I rode back home with a cloud of fear hanging over me. Would she be angry? Would she let Dorian near me?

I pulled into the driveway and sat there. Rogue and Hannah were home, Vanessa and Ghost were not. Rage and Melanie had not yet moved in.

After building enough courage to face my mate, I headed inside. Emily was sitting on the couch with the tv on. I stood still in the doorway. My clothes were stained with the blood of my previous victims.

"I can smell you from over here." Emily sighed. She turned to look at me.

"Sorry, darling." I said before heading upstairs. I quickly washed up after throwing my clothes in a garbage bag. My cut was thrown in the tub.

I stepped out of the room for notice Dorian's door open. He must be napping. I took a quick check to find he was indeed asleep.

I went downstairs to check on Emily next. When she noticed me she stood up. "Are you ok?" She asked.

Fuck she was too good for me. "I'm alright." I said. She reached out for me but I stepped back. "Don't." My hands were dirty. I was unpure. She was fucking perfect. The purest being on this planet.

"Luci..." She reached again.

"I can't." I growled before heading to the guest bed.

Emily's POV

A whole week. It's been a whole week since Lucian has even slept in our bed. I wondered if he was disinterested in me. Maybe I had become to flabby after Dorian. I tried to get rid of it, but I've reached a point that I can't. I don't have many stretch marks either, but I'm suddenly noticing the ones that I do.

Perhaps my skin looks older than my age. I am only eighteen. Maybe Lucian wishes for a woman his age. Maybe he realized I am too young.

The front door opens and shuts quickly. He's home.

I place the food I've made on the table before hurrying out to him. Dorian was with Vanessa and Ghost. Lucian doesn't trust my dad with him after last time.

"Luci, I- I've made dinner." I stuttered. I cursed myself for that. I haven't stuttered around him since our wedding.

"Thank you." Lucian said before brushing past me to the kitchen. He hasn't even called me darling in the last week.

"Um, Dorian is with- with Vanessa and G- Ghost. I- I though we- we could h- ha- have a night a- alone." It's getting worse. Lucian stopped mid stride before the table. He's caught onto the stutter. Though, he says nothing as he sits down.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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