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Pregnant cont

Im six months pregnant now. I haven't gotten too large but I still had a prominent bump. Lucian thinks he wants me pregnant all the time now.

He refuses to let me go anywhere without him and he won't go anywhere without me. He even takes me into church now. It's king of boring though.

"Darling, put the cake down." Lucian said as he watched me grab it from the cabinet. He knew I would go on a sugar high and yell at him. Than he laid down like a tortured dog until I was done.

"No!" I yelled as I grabbed a piece and ran. Well tried. I only made it two steps before Lucian stopped me.

"No running." He scolded.

"You won't let me eat my cake!" I stomped my foot. I knew one of my brothers would be in here soon.

"You had some earlier." He reminded me.

"Are you saying I'm getting fat!?" I pouted.

"No, darling, but you can only have so many sweets a day. You already ate the full cookie stash." Lucian raised a brow.

"So." I huffed. Lucian sighed and hoisted me on the counter.

"You are lucky you are carrying our child right now, other wise I would have punished you for that attitude." Lucian threatened. I shivered but still ignored him. My hormones were giving me all kinds of mixed emotions.

"Why is Emily throwing a fit?" Darius asked. He was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Luci won't let me eat my cake." I pouted.

"You've had enough sweets." Darius said. Everyone is against me today.

"Whatever." I shoved the cake at Lucian and pushed past Darius to my room. I could hear both men let out a sigh of irritation but I don't care. I was the pregnant one here!

"Darling, don't run from me, please." Lucian was following me now. I ignored him as I walked into our room.

Lucian followed me in and shut the door. He wasted no time and trapped me against the door. One hand was resting on my bump and the other next to my head.

"Don't get upset when I'm trying to keep you healthy." Lucian's voice was low as he spoke. My cheeks grew hot and I knew I was blushing.

"I- I..." I tried to defend myself but I was too weak to Lucian.

"What's wrong, Darling?" Lucian gave me a small smirk as he hand rested low on my hip. "Are you going to be a good girl now?" Lucian asked. I let out and involuntary noise as his hand slid over my panty line.

"Y- yes." I stuttered. My eyes never left Lucian's.

"Good," Lucian checked his watch before speaking again. "It's eight o' clock. If I come back in here and you are not ready to go home, I will confiscate your sweets for the rest of the sweets." Lucian threatened. My eyes widened at the thought of no sweets.

"O- ok." I nodded.

Lucian gave me a quick kiss than left the room. I smiled and rubbed my bump before gathering my stuff.

If any of you have any suggestions for these let me know. There should only be a few more before I post "My Protector"

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