Bumblebee bonus 2

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"Oh God," Yang whispered in horror as her gaze settled on the scene of crime. She dropped to her knees like a log upon the fur-covered carpet, palms resting on ground. Her body began shaking as a heartwrenching cry ripped out of her throat, "You maniacs! You ruined it!" She pounded her fist against the floor, then dramatically threw her head back and gazed unseeingly at the ceiling with wide teary eyes, "Damn you! Damn you all to hell!"

"Yang..." sighed the raven haired girl standing at Yang's side. Her hand grabbed her blonde girlfriend's shoulder and yanked her up. "Don't be so overdramatic."

"But Blake," the blonde whined, "Look at it! How does that even happen?!"

The cat Faunus glanced towards the central couch, whistling to herself as her amber eyes traced several thin long rips into the soft material.

She was honestly impressed. When she and Yang had decided to lend their dorm mates a place to ease their frustrations, she had half expected the offer to be rejected. Instead, here she was, staring at the proof that the other half of team RWBY was the exact opposite of the word 'innocent'. If the antics she had overheard one week ago had hinted that the pair was getting adventurous, the damage upon the piece of furniture and the thick scent of certain bodily fluids in the air were a testament of not one, but several rounds of rough, definitely-not-vanilla sex.

"We underestimated them," she concluded, crossing her arms and stroking her thumb on her chin. She smirked at Yang, "You baby sister and her girlfriend are growing up and their hormones are through the roof. They might just turn out more perverted than we are."

"Ugh, don't say that." Yang whined, massaging her temple, "I thought it would be fun, but I didn't expect them to be that...advanced... Fuck, Blake, I don't wanna think about my sister going further than a sixty-nine."

Blake rolled her eyes.

"That's what happens when you tease her about it all the time."

"I guess you're right... Karma is a cruel, cruel bitch."

"You should've seen it coming. She's your sister after all."

"Okay, okay, Kitty-cat, I get the point." Yang grumbled as she edged closer to run her hand over the rips. They weren't deep or anything and, quite frankly, Yang didn't particularly care about the state of the couch. The implications of that were what really made her wince. As soon as Ruby and Weiss had returned to their dorm, hand in hand and giggling like mad, seemingly unaware of their own adorableness, Yang had realized just how serious their relationship was. She was happy for her, of course. Weiss could be a wonderful girl if she was in the mood and Yang had genuinely learned to love the heiress like a second little sister. That only made her feelings on the younger couple's deviant activities more conflicting.

"You okay, babe?"

"I guess," Yang sighed, "She's grown up now... They're both grown up."

"Weiss is our age." Blake chuckled teasingly.

"And she was for the most part a sheltered brat that's super easy to tease." Yang returned the laugh, "Don't ever tell her I said this, but she isn't the pinnacle of emotional maturity either and she's really bad at hiding it. Now that I think about it, Ruby is perfect for her."

Blake hooked her arms around Yang's neck.

"It is pretty sweet, isn't it? Growing up together, experiencing their first love, fucking like bunnies..."

"And people complain I'm terrible." Yang complained, "I was promised a nice and supportive girlfriend. What went wrong?"

"Maybe you have a way of influencing the women in your life." Blake replied impishly, leaning in to plant a brief kiss upon Yang's full lips. Well, it would have been brief if Blake hadn't enjoyed it a bit too much and deepened it until redness creeped onto their faces.

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