She could hear footsteps grow closer, pounding echoes serenading the hall. She made a turn in hopes of losing them, but its steps only followed within every turn. A booming voice barked at her from behind.

"Hey! Who goes there?"

She quickened her pace, clutching the folder under her gown. She did not know where she was going, whether she was getting closer or farther from her room. It felt like an endless maze. The footsteps were louder, closer. Meters away, now feet.

A hand gripped her shoulder, stopping her from moving as she let out a small shriek of despair. The person raised her arm harshly, forcing her to turn. She grunted in pain as the grip tightened. A flashlight was shone directly in her eyes, earning another pained groan from her. 

"Well, well. What do we have here? And what were you doing out here at such a late hour?" The voice spoke coldly, as if speaking to an inmate rather than a child.

"Let go," Four grunted, wriggling her arm in an attempt to loosen its grip, only for it to tighten further. The harsh light stayed on her face, blinding her as she struggled to see the source of the voice.

"Patient O-Four. Do you mind explaining what you were doing wandering the halls this late?"

"I just wanted to go to the bathroom," Four grunted as his hand stayed firm in the air.

"Really? Because last time I checked, this wasn't the direction to it," the voice said coolly. He fixed the flashlight into his pocket. "Now, why don't you tell me the real reason why you were up so late, before I take this up with Papa, hm?"

"Seil," a soft voice called from behind. Four turned her head swiftly, eyes full with tears. She had adjusted her sight to the darkness, seeing rough outlines through the blur of water. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Stay out of this, Ballard," Seil warned through gritted teeth. "Subject O-Four has been wandering the halls without permission." Four looked up to the blonde man with pleading eyes with little hope left.

Peter glanced from the stiff orderly to the struggling girl, who grunted in pain from the man's hold.

"Why don't you let her go so we can settle this calmly, hm?"

Warren hesitated, but loosened his grip, allowing Four to stagger backwards, clutching her own wrist. He stepped toward Peter with a low voice.

"You never know what she could've been up to, what if she were to run away like Eight-"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Seil. Eight was a special case we had no control of. I trust that Four is telling the truth. It's quite easy to lose your way especially in this dark." He looked over to Four who was staring at the both of them in hopes of mercy.

"I... I'm sorry. It won't happen again," she muttered. 

"I'll escort her back to her room," Peter said calmly, striding away from Warren. He placed his hand on her back, ushering her to walk forward gently. She turned her head back, looking at the dark haired orderly as she followed Peter.

"Thank you," she whispered as soon as they met a different hallway. He simply nodded, keeping his gaze forward. They approached the silent hall rowed with numbered doors. He stopped at Four's door, opening it slowly as to not make a sound. 

"Is there anything else you need?" he asked as she went inside. She shook her head and he nodded with a soft smile. "Goodnight, Four."

He left the room, making sure the door was closed without a sound. He glanced over at the door further down the hallway. His old room. He strolled closer to it, reading the numbers above the window. A white "001" had been lazily scratched off, a rushed "000" taking its place. 

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