Start from the beginning

It was safe enough and so far, Abraham and she hadn't seen any walkers in the street, so posting people outside to keep watch was quite needless. In fact the only reason she had gone out there was for some fresh air before she went to sleep, and Abraham had graciously followed to keep her company - and safe.

Giving Rick a nod and a half smile, Delaney got to her feet with a sigh filtering through her nose. Abraham followed by leaning off of the wall, the both of them walking through the open door by Rick, "You okay?" Came her quiet whisper when she noted Rick's gaze lingering on her in question. His brows were clearly slightly furrowed and she slowed to a stop as he closed the door behind her, "Keep thinkin' so hard and you'll get wrinkles..." 

He turned to face her, sighing through his nose tiredly. He lifted his hand pressed his palm against the prominent crease in his brow, before combing his fingers over his curly hair. "I'm fine." He muttered, to which she certainly did not agree, but she didn't push. Instead she shrugged a shoulder, tucking some of her hair behind her ear,

"It'll work out...If - If it's not what Aaron says, what Eric says...then we'll do what we have ta." Her eyes darted across his tired, weary looking features and she saw the way he recognized the honesty there, "I'm with ya." 

Delaney had fully meant the words she'd said to Rick the night before. She was with him, entirely, and if this place turned out to be a little like Terminus or a little like Grady, then she was fully on board with doing what would be deemed necessary. His weariness was visible even in the morning, when everyone was waking up. It showed in his movements, in his eyes as he watched them all get ready for the journey to Alexandria. 

Delaney was perusing the garage that they'd all taken rest in, eyeing some of the things that had been left there, figuring that it would be a good place to note down for later - if all went well. It was pretty much untouched gold there. Her fingers danced over the expanse of a work bench, drawing through the dust when all of a sudden, heavy material was draped over her shoulders, making her flinch. instinctively her hand reached for it, grabbing the warm fleece collar of a familiar coat, "You were shiverin'." Rick Grimes explained when she turned to look up at him, bewildered.

She supposed she was quite cold this morning. Her body had yet to figure out how to regulate it's temperature with it's current state, so she fleetingly darted from cold to warm, on and off, and today she was apparently visibly cold.

Without objecting to the gesture, Delaney slid her arms into the sleeves and smiled a little. "Been watchin' me?" She joked in response, figuring she must have looked a little laughable as Rick's gaze brightened, as he looked down at the sight of her swamped in his coat. 

"What's so important over here?" He gestured toward the stuff that he, personally, wasn't attracted to, his eyes dancing across the dusty looking tools. Delaney shrugged her shoulders a little, folding her arms across her chest, following his curious stare.

"Habit." Was what she said, exhaling a tiny laugh. " - I figured if this Alexandria is decent, we could mark this place down fer future reference - it's got some decent tools." As she spoke she lent over for Scout's rifle, that had been resting up against the bench, bringing it up and over her shoulders so that the strap was resting across her chest. Rick turned toward her at the unexpected response, detecting what he thought might have been a little bit of hope. She noticed the same weariness from before returning to his eyes, "It might work out, ya don't know." 

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