But of course he couldn't do any of that. For a moment he felt paralyzed, caught between lust and conscience. To break the deadlock, he thought back to the worst moment of his life, an event so stomach-turning that it dampened his desire. Not entirely, but enough so that he could move.

After gently working his right arm out from under her head, he slid from the bed, wincing as all his dormant cuts and bruises flared to painful life. But in spite of his care, Josephine awoke.

Her long dark lashes swept up and she regarded him gravely. In her deep blue eyes he saw shyness, but no regret. "Were you able to sleep?"

"Better than I expected."

She sat up cross-legged, blankets tangled around her, and regarded him with drowsy curiosity. "You keep saying that you're going to seduce me, yet you're passing up a perfect opportunity. Mind you, I appreciate your restraint, but it does seem odd."

He smiled wryly. "I asked you to stay as a friend, the kind of request you would find very hard to refuse. To take advantage of that would be dishonorable."

She gave a soft, throaty chuckle. "Male codes of honor are very strange and inconsistent."

"Undoubtedly true." His gaze went to the throat of her nightgown, where a small triangle of bare skin showed. Since it was the only visible part of her, it became amazingly erotic. Lucky he was wearing the voluminous nightshirt, which concealed his simmering state of arousal. Trying to move his mind to higher things, he explained, "Honor, like Methodist faith, is a highly individual commodity. I have no qualms about seducing you and ruining your reputation, but I can't do it by deception."

"What kind of Gypsy are you?" she said teasingly. "I thought guile was a way of life among your mother's people."

He smiled. "It is, but I've been corrupted by conventional British morality."

She nibbled at her lower lip, which made him want to do the same. The idea was so appealing that he almost missed her remark when she said, "Will we be going home soon? London has been delightful, but there is much to be done in Penreith."

"Trying to get me out of the line of fire?"

"Yes," she admitted. "I can't imagine that Lord Michael will be pleased by the outcome of last night's encounter."

"No, but he's not going to shoot me in the back," Hero said reassuringly. "Nor will I allow myself to be goaded into another fight of any kind."

Josephine looked unconvinced. "I hope you're right, but I'd still like to return to Wales soon. I've seen about as much of London as I can absorb."

"Most of my business should be settled within the next few days," he said. "Then we can go."

"Good." Looking happier, she scooted off the bed. "Time I was getting back to my own room. It's early enough that none of the servants need know where I spent the night."

"Does it matter what they think?"

She smiled ruefully as she donned her velvet robe. "Perhaps not, but since I wasn't raised as an aristocrat, I haven't your sublime indifference to other people's opinions."

As she put one hand on the doorknob, he felt the same tearing sensation that he had experienced the night before when she had started to leave. It was much milder this morning, but quite unmistakable. Knowing that he was being a damned fool, he said, "I think I'll collect my kiss for the day."

She turned back to the room, looking a little wary. "Shouldn't it be saved for later?"

"You can always have more if you wish." He closed the distance between them in two strides and drew her into his arms. Though she caught her breath when she felt his erection through their nightclothes, she didn't pull away.

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