Day 17: Sick Days

Start from the beginning

Three people are at your bedside, two sharing a concerned glance, the other holding your wild gaze in her calm one.

"You're alright, A/N," The comforting voice of the woman sitting at the end of your bed coaxes, easing your body back against the soft pillows as you let out yet another shaky sigh. "Jett and Phoenix came to get me after you didn't open your door."

Confusion pricks your thoughts as you allow your gaze to flick to your friends, standing idle at your side, their evidently loaded Mission backpacks slung over their shoulders.

"Sage used the override code," The fire radiant explains, offering a small, reassuring grin. "KJ'll reset them all again when she's back."

Wordlessly, you nod, your foggy thoughts gradually putting the pieces together as you skim over the healer's figure, clad in her usual attire.

Though her own bag sits by the door, the slight aroma of gunpowder lingering in the air.

"You're leaving?"

At this, Sage turns to face you once more, a compassionate look upon her features.

"I will take your place for this Mission," She assures, nodding to the two other Radiants in the room. "While we're gone, you need to rest. You're fighting quite a high fever."

Surprise and a momentary panic courses through you, though you shove it down, your brain scrambling to ease your worried state.

Sage will be with them. If they show any signs of whatever this is, she'll be able to take care of them. But whoever else is on Base...

"Who else is on Base?" You rasp as the Chinese monk hands you a glass of water, of which you accept eagerly, cradling it to your lips with quivering hands.

The healer makes no effort to answer right away, exchanging an almost knowing glance with the younger two in the room.

"Uh, it's just you and..." The wind Radiant stammers, a slightly apologetic expression creasing her brow.

You merely raise an eyebrow questioningly, urging Jett to continue and answer your question.

Another set of footsteps reach your ears, coming closer with each passing second.

And the next thing you know, your door is pushed open, revealing a new figure that takes you a moment to fully comprehend what you're seeing.

"Chamber?!" You practically cough in genuine surprise and worry, scooting towards the opposite side of your bed, away from where he stands. "What are you doing here?! You can't be here! You can't be getting whatever the hell this is!"

Sage follows your panicked motions, a calming hand being placed upon your knee, almost instantly settling your heightened senses, concern for the newcomer's well-being rippling through you.

"He volunteered to stay behind," She explains softly, shock piercing your thoughts and all you can do is pray that your expression doesn't mirror it.

"Indeed I did, mademoiselle," The French sharpshooter chimes in, nearing your side, ignoring your gestures to shoo him away. "Someone needs to ensure your condition does not worsen, non?"

You swallow a lump you hadn't realized had been forming in your throat as you straighten in bed slightly, fevered gaze raising to meet his.

Chamber's gaze holds nothing but sincerity and compassion, both traits that you're now just seeing for the first time.

He's never like this.

"S-Sure," You stammer, automatically agreeing with his earlier statement, following Sage with your eyes as she makes her way to her feet, turning to face you with a soft smile.

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